Womens Health

5 things that you did not know about the morning-after pill

The morning after pill is a method of emergency (emergency contraception) that, in any case, must be used regularly as a substitute for contraception if you want to avoid pregnancy. The morning after pill is dispensed without a prescription since 2009, although there are some questions about its use still generate doubts and that, in case of resorting to her, can do that it is not used appropriately.

morning-after pill

Cases in which recourse to the morning-after pill

Being a method of urgency, the morning-after pill is recommended in case of condom breakage, expulsion of the IUD or diaphragm, forgetting to take the birth-control pill or misused any of contraceptive methods during intercourse. In any case, it should be if the woman suspects that she is pregnant or if vaginal bleeding occurs.

Effective 95% in the first 24 hours

It is important to note that although there is need to take it immediately after maintaining the relationship, as the hours pass it loses effectiveness. Specifically, it has a 95% effective taken at 24 hour; between the next 24 to 48 hours=, that percentage drops to 85%, and between 48 and 72 hours is reduced to 58%.

May cause mild discomfort

One of the beliefs that persecute precisely this pill is that it can be harmful to health, and nothing is further from reality. It can cause some discomfort, but mild, such as headache, abdominal discomfort, nausea and feeling of delay or advancement of the next period. It can also cause slight changes in menstrual flow (lighter or more abundant).

Two types of pills

In the pharmacies, you can find two types, levonorgestrel and ulipristal, its components. The second feature is that it extends the time in which it is possible to take, from 3 to 5 days. In both cases it is sufficient to take a single dose.

Emergency alternatives to morning after pill

There are other methods of urgency, while you must always consult with your doctor. For example, the contraceptive pill, take several pills at the same time. But, we insist, consult your doctor to determine the dose. Meanwhile, there is the option of releasing copper intrauterine device. IUD should be placed within 5 days of unprotected intercourse.