Health Tips

7 Natural remedies to prevent stroke

Leading a sedentary lifestyle, excess alcohol, snuff, overweight, with high blood pressure or high levels of cholesterol and triglycerides are some risk factors that can make us more vulnerable to suffering a stroke.

prevent stroke

To improve prevention, and to reduce some of these factors, diet plays a major role. The Mediterranean diet, as has been noted, is the best ally of our health and our brain. Diet in which you should not miss these 7 natural remedies against stroke.

Garlic, onion and olive oil for seasonings: Extra virgin olive oil reduces up to 40% risk of having a stroke. The secret lies in its oleic acid. If you have high cholesterol levels or be hypertensive, should add a garlic clove in the seasonings. And to keep sugar levels, nothing likes taking raw onion, especially rich in a compound such as insulin plant.

Pumpkin and Carrot: According to some studies eat 5 times a week pumpkin or sweet potatoes either mashed or cream may help reduce the risk of stroke by more than 65%. The answer lies in their content of beta carotene, an orange pigment that prevents the occurrence of clots and helps keep clean the artery walls.

Sunflower: The benefits of sunflower seeds (you can sprinkle them over the salad or vegetable purees) is included that are good for reducing the levels of triglycerides and cholesterol. Its also help to combat stress.

Sesame salt: Also known as gomasio, is a condiment that is rich in calcium, potassium and magnesium, three minerals that help control blood pressure. It can be prepared by mixing 10 to 15 parts sesame previously roasted and pulverized with sea salt (if you suffer from hypertension, better low sodium salt). The gomasio improves good cholesterol, reducing the risk of bad cholesterol.

Pomegranate and orange: There is no healthier way to start the day than betting on a pomegranate and orange juice, rich in folic acid, vitamin C, magnesium, potassium and anthocyanins. Its help keep the arteries in good condition, preventing blood clots.

Cabbage and eggplant: Vegetables are basic in a healthy and balanced diet, a rule that is maintained when it comes to preventing stroke. Eat several servings of vegetables a day reduces the risk by up to 11%. Among vegetables to choose the most beneficial are those that contain fiber and magnesium (cabbage, leafy greens …) and anthocyanins (red cabbage, eggplant).

Kiwi, mango and berries: The kiwi and mango give us a good dose of vitamin C, while the fruits of the forest provide potassium, offering a higher level of protection against the risk of having a stroke.