Health News and ResearchHeart Disease

Fiber: 25 grams a day to prevent strokes

It is the amount that, at least, we should take in our daily diet as best ally of cerebrovascular disorders. According to a new study has revealed the American Heart Association, the intake of dietary fiber in the diet is proportional to the reduction of risk for first stroke. Thus, for each increment of seven grams of fiber in our diet are decreasing to the same extent, 7%, the risk of cerebrovascular disorders.


Fiber is a sentinel of our health. This has been found a new study, conducted at the University of Leeds (United Kingdom) and published by the American Heart Association, which states that the consumption of dietary fiber is good for health and, in particular, to prevent the stroke. Thus, as the results have been found, researchers have found that increasing dietary fiber in our diet is proportional to the decrease in the risk of first stroke.

The dietary fiber, which can be soluble or insoluble, it is not absorbed by the body during digestion. Previous studies have pointed to the potential of dietary fiber in the prevention of risk factors for stroke, such as hypertension or high levels of bad cholesterol (LDL).

But there is more risk factors compared to the fiber can be an effective shield, as the consumption of snuff or overweight. Where can we find fiber? In a good number of food from our pantry, such as fruits and vegetables, whole grains or dried fruit. Foods that are a must in a healthy varied and balanced.

The findings of this new research shows the results analyzed 8 previous studies published between 1990 and 2012. Studies that collect information about different strokes, with special attention to the ischemic stroke (blockage of a blood vessel in the brain due to a clot) or hemorrhagic (bleeding from blood vessel).

The results were focused on the use or total intake of dietary fiber. And at this point the American Heart Association endorses the recommendations of researchers and estimated at 25 grams daily fiber intake in the diet of adults. An amount that can contribute to our diets including between six to eight servings of whole grains and 8 to ten servings of vegetables and fruits.

The results of this new study reinforce the healthy properties of the fiber, an ingredient in our diet that is not always present in the recommended action. In fact, experts suggest that most people do not consume the recommended levels of fiber per day. This study provides one more argument to make, because it can help significantly reduce the risk of stroke. For every seven grams to increase the total intake, we will be reduced the risk by 7%.

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