Health Tips

Human Papillomavirus: Myths about HPV that we must forget

Did you know that there have been identified more than 150 types of the human papillomavirus (HPV)? It is only an example of all that surrounds this virus, being the infection of transmission through sex is the most common. The lack of information or misinformation could endanger our health. Hence the importance of breaking myths and false beliefs, in some cases widespread, on the human papillomavirus.

myths about hpv

HPV only affects women

False. The women are more vulnerable to this disease, but men can also be infected, because they share transmission routes (contact between mucous membranes). In the case of both women and men maintain sexual relations without protection increases the risks.

Being monogamous prevents HPV

One of the most widespread beliefs and the fact is that sufficient to maintain sexual relations with a single partner to be able to contagious. Thus, for instance, not to constantly presenting symptoms one can have HPV and not be diagnosed.

Condoms protect against HPV

Reduce risks, but these are not infallible, as the human papillomavirus can also be transmitted through skin contact in certain areas that are not protected by the condom.

The HPV was detected by the genital warts

It may be one of the symptoms, but the truth is that the human papillomavirus can be asymptomatic. Hence the importance of gynecological checkups at regular intervals. Also, it is necessary to bear in mind that to be contagious does not mean irremediably spread to develop the disease.

The HPV only causes cervical cancer

False. Not all types of HPV cause cancer. However, in some cases, it can develop into a malignant lesion. Cervical cancer is one of the types of tumors associated with human papillomavirus, to which should be added bladder cancer, anal cancer, vulvar cancer, mouth, tongue and throat cancer; and, in the case of men, penile cancer.

The vaccine protects the types of HPV

No, vaccines protect against certain strains. In addition, the vaccine does not exclude be called Pap test on a regular basis to detect any possible change.