Dental Health

Oral diseases: Which are the most common?

Oral diseases can affect the tongue, teeth, gums and mucous membranes and, therefore, to health in general, since this type of disorders can limit actions as daily living such as eating, chewing, talking or smiling. Caring for oral health is essential to have a perfect smile, and to do this you should know how to identify the most common diseases.

oral diseases

Enjoying good oral health is translated, according to the World Health Organization, in the absence of orofacial pain, oral infections or sores, cavities, periodontal diseases or loss of dental pieces.

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Risk factors that affect the oral health

  • An unbalanced diet
  • The lack of oral hygiene
  • Tobacco consumption
  • Consumption of alcoholic beverages.

Common Tooth Diseases

Gum pain and bleeding are two of the main symptoms of diseases that affect the teeth.

Tooth decay: Cavities are the most common disease of the teeth. It mainly affects the molars and is one of the main causes of tooth loss. The main symptom is pain, an inescapable warning that it is time to visit the dentist.

Gingivitis in the mouth: The cause of gingivitis in the mouth is a bacteria that causes inflammation and bleeding of the gums. Poor oral hygiene and food that gets trapped between the teeth is also affected. In the severe cases it can cause loss of the alveolar bone that holds the teeth, with a greater risk of falling teeth.

Pyorrhea in the teeth: The pyorrhea is the expulsion of pus through the gums. It is caused by poor circulation of blood vessels in the gums, as well as by a lack or poor oral hygiene.

Common Mouth Diseases

Aphthous stomatitis: More known as mouth ulcers. Hormonal changes, mouth sores, bites or some type of food allergies are the main causes. These are usually painful and disappear after about 10 days. Dentures can also cause inflammation of the mucous membrane of the mouth.

Cold sores: There are painful vesicles in clusters inside the mouth or on the lips. These are contagious and are produced by the spread of a virus.

Leukoplakia: It is the excessive cell growth in the mucous membrane of the cheeks, gums, or tongue. It is very common among smokers.

Halitosis or Bad Breath: It is a disorder that produces bad smell of the mouth. It can be caused by bacteria, other oral diseases, foods such as onions, garlic.

Oral Candidiasis: An infection caused by candida that results in the appearance of whitish spots on the mouth.

Xerostomia or dry mouth: It is a disorder produced by the lack of saliva, being caused mainly by some medicines and diseases.

Periodontitis: Infection that affects the gums and can cause loss of bone around the tooth.

Lip and oral cavity cancer: It is usually manifested with the appearance of sores on the mouth or lips that do not heal, or with a thickening of gums and lips. Also it can appear bleeding, problems with chewing or moving tongue, numbness of the lip or mouth, and continuous sore throat.