Health Tips

Tick ​​bite: Risks and what to do

It is important to know how to respond to a tick bite. These parasites are usually found in animals and commonly in dogs, may turn out to be very dangerous for people; their bite carries a number of risks that is better known. We discover what to do if you are bitten by a tick.

tick bite

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Risks associated with the tick bite

Ticks are a type of arthropods mainly feed on the blood of animals but can also bite human beings.

The main risk associated with their bites are infections resulting from such as ticks live in very unhygienic conditions and breed in wet environments involving multiple bacteria proliferation.

Currently, the greatest risk associated with diseases transmitted by this type of parasite in humans is the Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever. This type of disease is so named because its main field of action is the area of Africa.

This disease is characterized by the occurrence of spontaneous fevers, high levels of dehydration, nausea, hepatic system failures and muscle aches.

The mortality rate of this disease is around 40% and is quite harmful in people, so it is very important to diagnose it in time and include a powerful and appropriate treatment for it, thus increasing the chances of overcoming it.

What to do if you are bitten by a tick?

Most important to prevent the spread of diseases and particularly virulent hemorrhagic fever, is to follow a few tips:

  • Check the skin: It is important that if we spend time in the field or in places where we find cattle and wide vegetation, we regularly check our skin to discover this type of bites.
  • Remove the tick: The time required to transmit diseases to humans (including the hemorrhagic fever) is 48 hours, so it is very important to remove the tick as soon as possible to the skin, for that we must use tweezers and essential oils for lubricate before removing the parasite.
  • Cleaning: Once we managed to extract the tick, after crossing its head and pull gently on it, it is very important that we wash the bite with soap and water later to disinfect with alcohol.

Precautions against ticks

Ticks can be very dangerous and live in the host’s body that itch for more than a week, so it is necessary to take impeccable preventative care if you have the suspicion of being in a place where there are ticks. It is important to maintain proper hygiene and regular monitoring of the skin to prevent this terrible incident, in addition to using repellents or intense perfumes able to keep them away.