First AidHealth Tips

Save Your Life by Knowing the Snake Bite First Aid Treatment

Proper first aid knowledge about snake bites can save your life or that of another person. Most snake species are not poisonous. However, you need adequate knowledge to identify the harmful species.

snake bite

Here are some important facts you should know about snake bites.

  • Children are more affected by a snake’s venom due to their body size. They are more likely to succumb to snake bites.
  • Snakes inhabiting water bodies are not poisonous.
  • Snakes venom can kill a human being in an hour after one is bitten.
  • Not all venomous snakes can discharge their venom. Despite the fact that not all snakes discharge their venom, their bites are equally lethal.

People should also know these points regarding snake bites.

  • The treatment and the effect of snake bite depend upon the victim’s age, health condition, psychological state, etc.
  • The bites are not always the same. They vary depending on penetration of fangs, amount of injected venom, bite location, and nearness of blood vessels.
  • The snake health and the time difference from its last venom use, and the bite mechanism are also aspects to consider.

Each bite may be different based on these factors. These factors determine if the bite is life threatening. One needs to inspect the bite first before administering any treatment. It is also important to inspect the symptoms of a snake bite. The most common emotional symptoms are:

  • Fear
  • Excessive pain
  • Impatience.

There are some biological symptoms that may indicate that one has been bitten.

  • Clammy and very cold skin
  • Very fast heartbeat
  • Fainting
  • Vertigo
  • Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.

These are some of the common symptoms. One should administer first aid in case of these symptoms failure to which the victim may lose his or her life. You should observe the patient until you get medical assistance.

First Aid Treatment for Snake Bite

  • Just after observing the symptoms, call for a proper medical assistance. Carry on the first aid treatment until the medical personnel arrives. If you are not sure what to do, ask for directions from medical personnel via a phone.
  • Keep calm throughout. Most snake bites are not fatal.
  • Make sure the patient is immobile to prevent the poison from spreading quickly. If somebody has been bitten on a finger or arm, remove all the rings and bracelets. Ensure that the body is relaxed and remove all tight clothing in case of a swelling.
  • Apply pressure with a bandage on the bitten area. If the bite is on the neck, head, or trunk, pressure that part firmly. Avoid restricting the chest to allow the patient to breathe easily.
  • Restrict the movement of a bitten limb using a sling or a stick.
  • If you have no equipment or bandage for applying pressure, mark the bitten area to allow the medical personnel to identify it easily. Keep track of time from when the victim is bitten.
  • Streamline the bitten area with the body level. Ensure that the patient lies on a flat surface. Raising the area may spread the venom to the other parts of body very quick. If you hold it down, it may increase swelling.
  • Transfer the patient to the hospital or medical clinic where the anti-venom is available to deactivate the poisonous effect of the snake bite as soon as possible.

There are some not to dos for a snake bite. These are:

  • Do not use any pain killer or aspirin in case of a snake bite
  • Eliminate tourniquets, as the blood flow may be affected
  • Do not suck the venom or use a knife on the affected area
  • Do not raise the bitten area to prevent the venom from spreading
  • Never use electric shock to revive a patient in case a patient faints
  • Do not wash the bitten area
  • Do not attempt to catch the snake in question for identification. Instead, take a picture.

These are the most important first aid treatments for a snake bite. They are enough to ensure a patient survives until medical personnel arrive.