Womens Health

Female intimate hygiene: What to do?

Having a health problem in the intimate area is not a matter of hygiene or age as fungi, for example, may appear excessive moisture or low blood defenses. In fact, according to medical data, 89% of adult women have had a vaginal infection throughout her life.

female intimate hygiene

However, personal hygiene plays a key role in its prevention. The decrease in vaginal flora can make us more vulnerable to certain infections. To maintain proper pH should follow some basic tips on personal hygiene:

  • You should use neutral hygiene products, with a suitable pH to the area, and avoid overly aggressive solutions (perfumed bath gels, intimate deodorants…).
  • Daily shower and wash the outside of the vagina every day with mild soap, for immediately afterwards rinse and dry well.
  • Avoid use of scented towels as it can alter the vaginal flora.
  • Douches, are not recommended since they can cause infections by altering the balance of organisms in the area. Furthermore, in the case of an infection as these washing can worsen the problem.
  • You should avoid, to the extent possible, the very tight clothing (jeans, thongs…) and undergarments made ​​from synthetic fabrics (the better the cotton) because they prevent oxygenation of the area and encourage the occurrence infections. Tight clothing, both inside and belts and pants, preventing proper ventilation and moisture absorption, which promotes fungal growth.
  • Cotton underwear does not alter the transpiration of the vaginal area. Additional moisture is absorbed better if tissues are natural.
  • The underwear, best white, since the pledges of colors have spent a process of dyeing and some dyes can provoke annoyance.
  • During the period should change pads and tampons frequently (every 4-6 hours maximum). As for pantiliners, it is not advisable to use them systematically and daily, only at specific moments.
  • When cleaning the vaginal area, you should do it from front to back to avoid transferring germs from the anus to the vulva.
  • If there is a problem of dryness, you may need to use a product that lubricate the area, as a vaginal moisturizer (you can buy at pharmacies), especially during intimate relationships.