Womens Health

Vaginal blood loss: All possible causes

Vaginal bleeding can be due to various causes, some physiological and related to specific pathologies. We will see all possible causes of vaginal blood loss and what the signals that we are paying attention.

vaginal blood loss

Knowing our body is the best way to be attentive to the signals sent by us and that sometimes can be a sign that something is wrong. Vaginal blood loss are an example, as it can sometimes be related to certain diseases, such as infections (chlamydia, bacterial vaginosis, yeast …), vaginal atrophy or pelvic inflammatory disease.

How should we respond to vaginal bleeding? First of all, we must take into account the time that these losses occur; that is, if they occur during the menstrual cycle, before menstruation, during ovulation, after maintaining intimate partner relationships or during menopause.

Miscarriages blood

Pay special attention to vaginal blood loss when they occur during pregnancy. In this case, in fact, it should come as soon as possible to the doctor because it could be a sign of the natural involuntary abortion. It may also be the case that bleeding occurs right after a miscarriage, after curettage.

Vaginal blood loss: Causes

Blood loss can also be a symptom of infection, particularly of vaginitis, infection that causes irritation of the vagina and which may be involved bacteria called Gardnerella vaginalis (this infection is accompanied by other symptoms such as increased flow and abnormal odor). If we suspect a disorder of this type, it is important to see a doctor to diagnose the exact cause of the infection and apply the more suitable treatment.

Sometimes vaginal bleeding occurs after an intimate relationship, especially the first time, losses that often refer in the following few hours or days. Although it’s often a natural phenomenon, it is advisable to consult a doctor and undergo a medical examination, especially if the disorder is repeated.

Before the days of rule, appears vaginal blood loss, symptoms to consider, especially if occurring over several days or after puberty. In these cases, the loss of uterine blood is darker in color, and is between rules, which can indicate an imbalance in the body of the woman.

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Sometimes vaginal blood loss are related to the use of the birth control pill or the morning after pill. This happens when the body, taking the pill (estrogen and progestin), interprets the hormonal level as the right to lower menstruation. If losses occur in the middle of the cycle may be related to ovulation, resolved, in this case, spontaneously. However, if in doubt, always consult with your doctor is the best way to prevent and anticipate potential health problems.