Foot ProblemsPregnancyWomens Health

Do Feet Grow During Pregnancy?

Pregnancy is a remarkable journey that brings joy, anticipation, and, of course, a multitude of changes to the body. While most people are aware of the visible changes such as weight gain and expanding belly, the less commonly discussed changes in the feet can also be significant. Many pregnant women wonder if it’s normal for their feet to grow during this period, and what causes these changes.

Feet Grow During Pregnancy

Understanding Pregnancy and Feet Changes

During pregnancy, a woman’s body undergoes numerous changes. Here are some common foot-related changes that pregnant women may experience:

Hormonal changes and fluid retention

During pregnancy, hormonal fluctuations occur to support the development of the fetus. One hormone in particular, relaxin, helps relax and loosen the ligaments in the body, allowing the pelvis to expand during childbirth. However, this hormone doesn’t exclusively affect the pelvis; it also impacts other joints and ligaments, including those in the feet.

Additionally, increased blood volume and changes in the circulatory system can cause fluid retention, leading to swelling in various parts of the body, including the feet and ankles.

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Weight Gain and Increased Pressure

As pregnancy progresses, weight gain is inevitable. The additional weight puts extra pressure on the feet, which can lead to discomfort and changes in foot structure. The arches may flatten, and the foot may widen as a result of the increased load. This, coupled with the effects of relaxin, can contribute to noticeable changes in foot size and shape.

Common Foot Problems During Pregnancy

During pregnancy, many women experience various foot problems due to the physical and hormonal changes that occur in the body. Here are some common foot problems that pregnant women may encounter:

Swelling and edema

Swelling, also known as edema, is a common issue that affects many pregnant women. It occurs when excess fluid builds up in the tissues, causing the feet and ankles to become puffy and swollen. Swelling tends to worsen as the day progresses, especially in warm weather or after prolonged periods of standing or walking.

Arch and heel pain

The additional weight and pressure placed on the feet during pregnancy can lead to pain and discomfort in the arches and heels. The arches may become strained or flattened, causing conditions like plantar fasciitis. Hormonal changes and ligament loosening can also contribute to heel pain.


The hormonal changes during pregnancy can also lead to overpronation, where the feet roll inward excessively. Overpronation can cause foot and ankle pain. Wearing shoes that provide stability and arch support can help manage this issue.

Varicose veins

Varicose veins are enlarged and swollen veins that commonly occur during pregnancy. They can appear on the legs and feet, causing pain, itching, and aching sensations. Avoiding prolonged standing or sitting, elevating the legs and feet, wearing compression stockings, and regular exercise can help improve blood circulation and reduce the severity of varicose veins.

Flat feet

Due to hormonal and structural changes, some women may experience the development of flat feet during pregnancy. Flat feet can lead to various foot problems, including pain, fatigue, and difficulty finding comfortable footwear.

Is It Normal for Feet to Grow During Pregnancy?

It is not uncommon for women to notice a change in their foot size during pregnancy. The combination of hormonal changes, weight gain, and increased pressure on the feet can cause them to widen and lengthen. However, it’s important to note that these changes are usually temporary and tend to resolve postpartum.

Factors Affecting Foot Growth During Pregnancy

During pregnancy, various factors contribute to changes in foot growth and size. Here are some key factors that can affect foot growth during this period:

Relaxin hormone

The relaxin hormone, produced by the placenta, plays a crucial role in preparing the body for childbirth. While it primarily affects the pelvic region, it also impacts other areas, including the feet. Relaxin softens and relaxes the ligaments, causing them to become more elastic and flexible.

Ligament loosening

In addition to relaxin, other ligaments in the feet also become more pliable during pregnancy. This increased flexibility can contribute to changes in foot structure and size.

Increased blood volume

Pregnancy leads to a significant increase in blood volume to support the growing fetus. This can result in fluid retention and swelling, which can affect the feet and contribute to temporary foot growth.

Changes in gait and posture

Due to the altered body mechanics and the shift in the center of gravity during pregnancy, women may experience changes in gait and posture. This can impact the way weight is distributed on the feet, potentially leading to foot changes and increased foot size.

Footwear choices

The shoes a pregnant woman wears can also influence foot growth and size. Wearing ill-fitting or tight shoes can restrict natural foot expansion, leading to discomfort and potential foot issues. It is important to wear comfortable, supportive footwear that accommodates any swelling or changes in foot size.

Managing Foot Changes and Discomfort During Pregnancy

Managing foot changes and discomfort during pregnancy is essential to ensure optimal foot health and overall well-being. Here are some tips to help you alleviate foot-related issues during this period:

Wearing comfortable shoes

Choosing the right footwear is essential during pregnancy to provide adequate support and minimize discomfort. Opt for shoes with a wide toe box, low heels, and good arch support. Avoid high heels and shoes that are too tight or constricting.

Using arch supports or orthotics

Arch supports or orthotic inserts can help alleviate foot pain and provide additional support. These devices help distribute weight evenly and reduce strain on the feet.

Avoid prolonged standing or sitting

Extended periods of standing or sitting can increase foot discomfort and swelling. Take breaks to walk around and change positions frequently. When sitting, prop your feet up on a stool or cushion to reduce pressure and promote circulation.

perform foot exercises

Perform foot exercises and stretches

Simple exercises and stretches can help alleviate foot discomfort and maintain foot flexibility. Rotate your ankles, flex and point your toes, and do ankle circles. Additionally, calf stretches and toe stretches can provide relief. Consult with your healthcare provider or a physical therapist for specific exercises that are safe and beneficial during pregnancy.

Regular foot care

Maintaining proper foot hygiene and care is crucial during pregnancy. Wash your feet daily, keep them moisturized, and trim your toenails carefully to avoid ingrown nails. Regularly elevating your feet and practicing gentle foot exercises can also help improve circulation and reduce swelling.

Maintain a healthy weight

Excessive weight gain during pregnancy can contribute to foot discomfort and exacerbate existing foot issues. Follow a balanced and healthy diet recommended by your healthcare provider to help manage weight gain and reduce stress on the feet.


Pregnancy brings about numerous changes in a woman’s body, including those that affect the feet. While it’s normal for feet to grow during pregnancy due to hormonal changes, weight gain, and increased pressure, these changes are generally temporary. By understanding the factors contributing to foot growth, managing foot discomfort, and practicing self-care, women can navigate this transformative period with greater comfort and confidence.