
Does the Neurobion raise the pressure?

Neurobion is known as a multivitamin supplement that is composed of vitamins B1 or thiamine, B6 or pyridoxine and B12 or cyanocobalamin, vitamins that are often found in different vegetables and fruits. Consuming this supplement helps people get the nutrients that may be difficult to get with food, but are essential to stay healthy and with the body functioning properly.

using neurobion

Despite being a very favorable supplement, it is best to consult a specialist before consuming it. Likewise, it is important that people pay attention to the side effects that this or any other supplement may cause and to suspend its use until you perform a consultation with a physician. If you find yourself consuming this product but feel certain discomforts and ask yourself, does the Neurobion increase the pressure? We advise you to continue reading the following article.

Table of Contents

What is the Neurobion for?

The mechanism of Neurobion action consists of intervening directly on the transmission of potentially harmful stimuli in the pain receptors so that they do not reach the tissues. Therefore, it is a great ally to treat certain symptoms associated with the nervous and muscular systems.

The Neurobion is used mainly for:

  • Discomfort in sciatica or lumbago.
  • Neuralgia, that is, an alteration in a nerve that manifests itself with pain that feels like an electric shock.
  • Neuritis that causes pain due to inflammation in the nerve endings.
  • Pain caused by a condition in the spinal nerves.
  • Partial or total paralysis of the face due to a damaged nerve.
  • Inflammation in the spinal or spinal nerves.
  • Deficiency of vitamins B1, B6 or B12.
  • Muscular pain, in the arms or generalized accompanied by fatigue.
  • Prevent anemia caused by certain drugs.
  • Arthritis that occurs in the spine or in different large joints.
  • Damage nerves that have some diabetics due to this pathology.

Dosing and contraindications of Neurobion

The only way to know the correct dose is through the diagnosis of a professional, since it will depend on each person and each case in particular. This medicine can be found in several presentations in which the amount of its components vary or they are added diclofenac sodium or benzyl alcohol and its route of administration can be oral by means of tablets or be intramuscular with an injectable solution.

In general, treatment with Neurobion injection in adults is usually one application daily for 5 consecutive days combining both ampoules and applying it intramuscularly. On the other hand, for an adult with treatment by tablets, the specialist can prescribe a maximum of 300 mg per day in case the patient does not have renal failure.

This supplement is not recommended for children under 12 years. Likewise, Neurobion is strictly contraindicated in pregnant women, mainly due to its pyridoxine and cyanobalamin content, which are within the risk categories in pregnancy of the Food and Drug Administration or FDA, since high doses can adversely affect the proprioceptive neuronal function of the baby or cause dependence on pyridoxine.

On the other hand, during lactation, Neurobion compounds can pass through breast milk and it is considered to be at risk for pyridoxine for the baby. Its consumption is also contraindicated because it alters milk production, generates pain and breast enlargement.

Does Neurobion raise the pressure?

While many people believe that the Neurobion increases the pressure or is not recommended to consume it if you suffer from hypertension, this is not entirely correct. Those people who have high blood pressure can consume Neurobion, however, it is essential not only to consult with a doctor before ingesting it, but also to carry out habitual controls on blood pressure, since it could generate various alterations if it is below the normal level as if it is above. However, an adverse symptom that can rarely occur is that it causes arterial hypotension, usually associated with very high doses and the patient’s predisposition.

Despite this, it is possible that the Neurobion raise blood pressure when using the presentation containing diclofenac, as it is one of the possible side effects of this compound, although these cases are not so common. Also, this presentation should be used with caution in people who already suffer from hypertension or cardiovascular disease because diclofenac increases cardiovascular risk in doses above 150 mg per day and in long-term treatments.

Does Neurobion get fat or thin?

There are many concerns regarding the use of multivitamins in any of their presentations, especially concerns if it will affect the patient’s body weight. At this point it is important to take into consideration that the neurobion only gets fat when the patient suffers from severe malnutrition or when there is a picture where the implementation of vitamin supplements will stimulate an increase in body weight.

Similarly, the dose indicated by the doctor will depend on the multivitamin needs of the patient, this point is crucial to determine if the body weight will remain the same or increases, that is, is directly proportional to the dose delivered or indicated by the specialist. Really it is considered to be a myth to say that the use of neurobion makes you fat.

Importance of neurobion vitamins

Neurobion side effects

The side effects with greater incidence that may occur in people who consume this vitamin supplement are:

  • Alterations in the digestive system: abdominal discomfort, vomiting, diarrhea or nausea.
  • Skin disorders: itching, sweating more than normal or hives.
  • Modifications in the central nervous system: fatigue, feeling dazed, disoriented or with insomnia.
  • Problems in the urinary tract: blood and/or proteins are present in the patient’s urine.

Less frequently than the previous ones, Neurobion could generate other serious secondary symptoms, such as:

  • Suffer from hair loss, light sensitivity, skin desquamation due to injury, among other disorders in the epidermis.
  • There is an alteration in the taste, in the eyesight, the memory is lost, they feel buzzing in the ears, they suffer from migraine.
  • The patient develops renal failure.
  • The composition of the blood is altered, that is, the amount of platelets, leukocytes, among others.
  • It starts with allergic reactions such as difficulty breathing normally.

This article is purely informative, in we do not have the power to prescribe medical treatments or make any kind of diagnosis. We invite you to go to a doctor in the case of presenting any type of condition or discomfort.