Health Tips

How to Check Oxygen Level Without Oximeter? [8 Alternative Methods]

Oxygen is essential for sustaining life, as it plays a critical role in the functioning of our organs and tissues. Monitoring our vital signs, such as oxygen levels, has become a crucial part of maintaining well-being.

One commonly used device to measure oxygen saturation is an oximeter. However, there might be situations when you don’t have access to an oximeter, or you simply want to know alternative methods to check your oxygen level.

While alternative methods can give you a general idea of your oxygen levels, it’s crucial to recognize the symptoms of low oxygen saturation. Some common signs include shortness of breath, rapid breathing, confusion, bluish tint on lips or nails, and an increased heart rate.

In this article, we will explore various ways to check your oxygen level without an oximeter, ensuring that you can stay informed about your health even without the latest medical gadgets.

Check Oxygen Level Without Oximeter

What is Oxygen Saturation?

Oxygen saturation, often referred to as SpO2, indicates the percentage of oxygen-bound hemoglobin in the blood. Normal SpO2 levels typically range from 95% to 100%, and anything below 90% may indicate a potential health issue.

Monitoring your oxygen levels can help detect respiratory problems early on and avoid severe complications.

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8 Alternative Methods to Check Oxygen Level Without Oximeter

Method 1: Observing Physical Symptoms

One of the initial ways to check your oxygen level is by paying attention to your body’s physical symptoms. Low oxygen levels may manifest through certain signs and symptoms. These can include:

  • Shortness of Breath: Feeling breathless even during light activities or at rest could be a sign of decreased oxygen levels.
  • Rapid Heart Rate: An unusually high heart rate, even without strenuous activities, might indicate inadequate oxygen supply.
  • Changes in Skin Color: Observe your nail beds, lips, and the skin around your mouth. Bluish or purplish discoloration may signal low oxygen levels.
  • Confusion and Restlessness: Inadequate oxygenation to the brain can lead to confusion, disorientation, and restlessness.
  • Excessive Sweating: Profuse sweating, especially if unrelated to exercise or hot weather, could indicate low oxygen levels.

Method 2: The Mirror Test

The mirror test is another simple technique to assess your oxygen levels. Follow these steps:

  1. Find a well-lit room with a mirror.
  2. Position yourself comfortably in front of the mirror.
  3. Take a few deep breaths to normalize your breathing.
  4. Observe your tongue and the inner lining of your mouth. If they appear bluish, it might be an indication of reduced oxygen levels.

While the mirror test is not a definitive diagnostic tool, it can offer some insights into your oxygen saturation.

Method 3: The Pursed-Lip Breathing Test

The pursed-lip breathing technique is commonly used by people with respiratory conditions to improve oxygen intake and lung function. Follow these steps:

  1. Find a quiet and comfortable place to sit down.
  2. Inhale slowly through your nose for two seconds.
  3. Pucker your lips as if you are going to blow out a candle.
  4. Exhale slowly and gently through pursed lips for four seconds.
  5. Repeat this process for several breaths.

This technique can help increase the oxygen levels in your blood and alleviate feelings of breathlessness.

Method 4: The Nail Bed Test

The nail bed test is a quick and straightforward way to get an approximate idea of your blood oxygen levels. Here’s how you can do it:

  • Find a source of natural light or a well-lit room.
  • Extend your arm and look at your fingernails.
  • Press down on one of the nails to make it turn white.
  • Release the pressure and observe how quickly the color returns.

If the color returns rapidly within two seconds, it indicates good blood circulation and oxygenation. A delay in color return might suggest low oxygen levels.

Method 5: The Talk Test

The talk test is an easy method to gauge your breathing and oxygen levels during physical activity. Follow these steps:

  • Engage in moderate physical activity, such as brisk walking or climbing stairs.
  • Pay attention to your breathing while engaging in the activity.
  • If you can talk comfortably without gasping for breath, your oxygen levels are likely within the normal range.
  • If you struggle to speak or find yourself gasping for air, it might indicate low oxygen levels.

Method 6: Smartphone Applications

In today’s technological era, there are smartphone applications available that claim to measure oxygen levels using the phone’s camera and flashlight. While some of these apps might offer useful insights, their accuracy is questionable, and they should not be considered as a substitute for medical devices.

Method 7: Measure Pulse Rate

Monitoring your pulse rate can give you some insights into your oxygen levels. A higher-than-usual pulse rate could indicate lower oxygen saturation.

Measure your pulse by placing two fingers on your wrist or neck and count the beats for 15 seconds, then multiply by four. Keep in mind that various factors can affect your pulse rate, so this method is not entirely reliable.

Method 8: Use the Huff-Cough Test

The Huff-Cough test is a technique used to evaluate whether your lungs are clearing mucus effectively. Coughing helps improve oxygen flow, and if you can cough effectively, it may suggest better oxygenation. However, this method doesn’t directly measure your oxygen levels.


Can low oxygen levels be a sign of a serious health issue?

Yes, low oxygen levels can be indicative of a serious health concern, especially if they persist or worsen. Low oxygen levels might be associated with conditions such as pneumonia, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), asthma, or other respiratory problems.

Should I be concerned if my oxygen levels fluctuate throughout the day?

Minor fluctuations in oxygen levels throughout the day are common and usually not a cause for concern. However, if you notice significant or persistent drops in oxygen saturation, it is essential to consult a healthcare professional for a thorough evaluation.

Can stress or anxiety affect oxygen levels?

Yes, stress and anxiety can have an impact on your breathing and, in turn, affect your oxygen levels. During periods of heightened stress, individuals might experience shallow breathing, which can temporarily lower oxygen levels. Practicing relaxation techniques and deep breathing exercises can help alleviate this effect.


Monitoring your oxygen levels is crucial for maintaining good health, especially during times of respiratory distress or illness. While oximeters are the most reliable tools for this purpose, the methods mentioned above can offer some insights when an oximeter is not available.

However, it’s essential to remember that these methods are not substitutes for professional medical assessments. If you suspect any issues with your oxygen levels or experience symptoms of low oxygen saturation, seek medical attention promptly.