Health TipsVitamins & Supplements

How to know which vitamin you lack: symptoms and solutions

Which vitamin you lack if your hair falls out, if you have trouble in sleeping or if you do not want to eat? If you have any of these symptoms, check if you are giving your body the vitamins you need. What are the best solutions?

lack of vitamin

The fatigue, the hair loss, the memory loss, the apathy and even the irregular rules are among the most common symptoms that alert us that we may need a vitamin. Vitamins are one of the nutrients essential for all healthy and balanced diet. Indeed, the diet is the best way to get the vitamins we need. Supplements should only be used, by prescription, to offset the deficit of these nutrients in very specific stages. Do not abuse the vitamins, because too much may have counterproductive effects for health, which is known as hypervitaminosis.

Focusing on the lack of any vitamins, our body is responsible for notifying us of your needs.

Vitamin deficiency: Symptoms

We are going to see what the vitamin you need depending on the symptoms, as well as the solutions through the diet itself:

You feel tired even though you have slept. A symptom that may be accompanied by apathy throughout the day. It is a characteristic symptom of the lack of vitamins B and C, which will provide energy and regulate the nervous system. In this case, it is advisable to take citrus, pepper and parsley to win in vitamin C, and whole vegetables and meats cereals for a greater intake of vitamin B.

Loss of appetite: Lack of appetite is a symptom of lack of vitamins A, B1 and C, which activate the defenses. In addition to diet whole grains, legumes, citrus fruits, eggs, green leafy vegetables and carrots.

Hair Loss: Is your hair falls out more than it should? If this you add that your nails are brittle and break easily, you may be faced with a lack of vitamins A, E and B8. B8 or Biotin is essential for hair health and functioning of the nervous system. Add foods to your diet such as olive oil, pumpkin, wheat germ, and fish, chicken and dairy.

Sleeping problems: If you reveal yourself easily, you may need a supply of vitamin B12, which helps to secrete the sleep hormone. Eggs, salmon and cheese are rich in this vitamin.

Wounds that are slow to heal: If you also have the swollen gums, you more tired than usual notes and often you get bruises on the skin at the slightest breath can have a lack of vitamin K, which are involved in the clotting blood. Vitamin K is found in foods like spinach, beets, broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower.

Potty Problems: Intestinal problems may have originated at a lack of vitamins A, C, D, E and K. In this case, should review the diet and try taking citrus fruits (oranges, kiwis). Beware abusing laxatives that can make us lose vitamins.

Bad breath: If this problem occurs, even increasing the number of brushings a day, can be a symptom of lack of vitamin B3. It is found in foods such as tuna, anchovies, peanuts, tomatoes or yeast.

Low iron levels: ie, anemia. This is due to lack of vitamins B12 and C. It is advisable to take citrus fruit and high-quality protein.

You feel listless and sad: Apathy can be a symptom of lack of vitamin B, essential for the nervous system. In fact, people with a tendency to depression usually present deficiencies of vitamins of the Group B. To avoid this, take whole grains, leafy greens and colorful peppers.

Forgetfulness and memory loss. Do you have unexplained omissions and don’t remember what you just said? Check your levels of vitamins B6, B12 and E. Its improve memory and prevent cell aging. Seek to introduce cereal diet, turkey, fish, dairy and wheat germ.

Irregular rules: Whether begin to be irregular, as most annoying, might need vitamins B, D and E, especially vitamin B6, which is responsible for regulating menstrual cycles. Vitamins D and E relieves perimenopause symptoms. Drink more milk, sunflower seeds, nuts, fish and cereals.