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Hyperthyroidism: Symptoms, diet and nutrition

The excess of T4 and T3 hormones (tetraiodothyronine and triiodothyronine) produced by the thyroid gland causes what is known as hyperthyroidism, a condition when the thyroid is caused by usually disappear spontaneously. However, in other cases, it will be necessary to follow a treatment prescribed by the doctor.


The responsible for regulating the secretion of these two hormones (T4 and T3) is the so-called TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone). The higher their levels, thyroid function is worse. What are the causes that can cause hyperthyroidism? What changes should we do in our diet?

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The causes can be many, resulting in different hyperthyroidism. The most common is called Graves’ disorder, known as goiter. The nodular or toxic multinodular goiter is another type that occurs when certain areas of the thyroid gland are more sensitive to the hormone that stimulates, causing the nodules. Another cause of hyperthyroidism is the inflammation of the gland by abnormal defenses or virus infection. The excess in the dietary iodine and even some medications may also be behind the disorder.


The hyperthyroidism, in most of its types, affects metabolism, and among the most common symptoms include rapid pulse, feeling hot, increased sweating, nervousness, tremor, fatigue, brittle hair and weight loss are included despite not having varied diet. Often appear diarrhea frequently and, in the case of women, cause irregular periods. Of equal way it is necessary to control the gland to see if there are nodules.


The key lies in the iodine, whose intake must control if we suffer hyperthyroidism.

Thus, for example, it is important to avoid iodized salt and replace it with dietary salt. Similarly, keep in mind that this disorder can increase blood pressure, so you have to watch the consumption of salt, especially the hidden salt. Beware foods like meats, cheeses, canned and as well as algae, which tend to be salty and contain much iodine.


What to eat? Vegetables, fruits and nuts are among the best allies in case of hyperthyroidism. In the chapter on vegetables, brussels sprouts, broccoli or cabbage, rich in a powerful antioxidant known as caffeic acid. The same one that we can find in the legumes, oranges or nuts.

As for fruits, melon (rich in lithium), pomegranates and grapes, rich in ellagic acid, an antioxidant that helps regulate thyroid overexertion. And another food that is also good in this case is the borage, rich in rosmarinic acid to help regulate the thyroid. The same component has the rosemary, plant with which you can make tea.