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Neuropathy: Symptoms, causes and remedies

The peripheral nervous system is the network of nerves that connects the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) to the internal organs, muscles and skin, being responsible for the transmission of information from the brain to various parts of the body.

Neuropathy is a disorder that affects the correct functioning of the peripheral nerves. There are several types of neuropathy and different causes that can provoke its appearance. We’re going to see, more carefully, how to recognize the warning signs and what are the most appropriate treatments for the more common neuropathy disorder.

symptoms of neuropathy

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The symptoms of neuropathy, which affects only one, nerve, appear in the area of the affected nerve, as paraesthesia – alteration of the sense of touch – or muscle paralysis.

Polyneuropathy, which affects different nerves at the same time, can cause pain and numbness of hands and feet, muscle atrophy, motor weakness, paralysis of the respiratory muscles.

Other symptoms associated with neuropathy are tingling, numbness, loss of the ability to feel pain, changes in temperature, loss of coordination, heartburn, muscle weakness, cramps, fainting and swelling.


The neuropathy is usually caused by a contusion, traumatic injury or a localized inflammation. As for Polyneuropathy, not only in one third of cases their origin is unknown, but this may be different. Thus, among the most common causes that may be behind this disease are found from the diabetes, toxic (alcohol, drugs), kidney damage (renal failure) or infection (herpes zoster, HIV). The lack of B vitamins and tumor diseases can also lead to this disorder.


The treatment will depend on logically from the causes and the type of neuropathy. In the case of Polyneuropathy, when it is caused by a bacterial infection it may be useful to take antibiotics; however, if the cause is a particular medication will have to suspend its administration. It is essential to consult the doctor to detect early symptoms. Recovery may be total or partial, depending on the severity of the initial injury and response time for the resolution of the problem.