
Pain in the pubis: To what should be the pubalgia

The groin injury, also called dynamic osteopathy of the pubis or pubic enthesitis, includes a series of injuries affecting the muscles in the groin area and that present with pain in the pubic area, groin and abdominal area.


The most common is the so-called Athletic Pubalgia, since it mainly affects those who do high intensity sport and can be defined as a strong tendinitis in the abdominal and adductor muscles. Just as important as knowing what to pubalgia is able to identify the symptoms and to put into practice the appropriate measures for its treatment.


The most common cause of pubalgia is a muscular overload caused by a repeated movement and an overexertion of the practice of certain sports (soccer, especially). Not only forced movements can cause this type of injury, but also a poor pre-warm up, do sports on an inadequate surface or lack of fitness to practice certain sports at a high level of intensity can increase the risks of pubalgia.

Pubalgia can also occur as a result of trauma to the pubic area (after suffering, for example, an accident) or repeated use of anabolic steroids. There are also intrinsic factors that may be behind pubalgia, such as hip dysplasia, lumbar hyperlordosis, shortening of lower limbs or spondylolysis.

Pubalgia of pregnancy

In the case of women, there is a stage in which they are more likely to suffer from pubicgia or pain in the pubis. During pregnancy, as of the third trimester, pubicgia may occur due to the pressure of the baby’s weight on the pelvis.


The pain, which can become intense as well as annoying, in the lower abdomen or inguinal area, is the most characteristic symptom.

A pain that can be extended to the thigh and that, far from disappearing with the passage of days, can be intensified. Pain, accompanied by inflammation, can even make it difficult to perform simple, everyday movements such as crossing the legs, going up or down stairs, and, even, coughing or sneezing.


It is advisable to follow closely the treatment prescribed by the doctor, which in addition to rest may include taking some drug to mitigate inflammation and pain. Subsequently, it may be necessary to undergo some rehabilitation or physiotherapy session.

Likewise, we must be cautious when comes to restarting the sport, ensuring first that we are fully recovered. And from now it will be essential to perform some previous warm-up exercises. If pubalgia is not treated, it can seriously impair the quality of life of the person who is suffering from it, and it may be necessary to resort to surgical intervention.