Skin Disease

Rosacea: Effect of cold symptoms in the skin

Low temperatures, among other symptoms, can cause redness, dryness and even dilatation of capillaries, called rosacea. The latter is one of the most common effects of cold on the skin, especially on the face, one of the body areas most exposed to the falling thermometer. How can we identify it? And above all, how do you prevent it?


Protect skin is essential in the cold months, especially the exposed body areas such as the face, which need a plus input of hydration. Cold can be enemy of our skin if you do not pay the necessary care. One of the main effects, frequent, cold skin effect is the appearance of rosacea, characterized by the appearance of some skin disorders that simulate a small spider.

The rosacea is the result of dilation of capillaries, caused by vasoconstriction and vasodilation to which it is subjected our skin when exposed to cold and the sudden changes in temperature. Our skin is exposed not only to the cold of outer space, but also the heat of the heating that can cause dryness.

The rosacea are located mainly in the area of the nose, chin and cheeks, but can appear anywhere on the face. Its can affect anyone, regardless of age, although it is true, as pointed out by experts in dermatology, women, especially fair skin are more vulnerable to rosacea.

Table of Contents

Rosacea: Causes

As is the case with other facial imperfections, is not known for certain the cause of rosacea. However, it has been identified some of the major risk factors such as sudden changes in temperature, stress, consumption of snuff or administration of corticosteroids drugs.

Rosacea: Treatment

Among the most effective current treatments to eliminate rosacea is laser, a technique that ensures elimination in a definitive manner. A few sessions (one to three, about fifteen minutes) are usually enough to forget signals that may be unsightly.

Logically, to prevent its occurrence or recurrence must follow a series of skin care. The laser is a simple application technique. After the session is normal for the skin to appear red, an effect that disappears in a few days and, moreover, will not be noticed with a light foundation.

Rosacea: Prevention

Skin care is the best prevention. We tend to think that our skin needs to strengthen its care only in summer, sun exposure. However, as we have seen, the cold is not a good ally. During the autumn/winter months, it is advisable to reinforce the hydration, opting for products which, in its composition, including lactonic acid, ceramide and dermo-protective substances. During the cold months also have to continue to use sunscreen, especially when activities take place outdoors, such as walking or skiing. Snow, for example, reflects 95% of UV rays, which can cause skin lesions.

Cold may also accentuate the appearance of redness or skin dryness. The dry skin, with low temperatures, suffers more, since the hydro-lipid layer of protection is less than oily skin. To avoid this effect of cold, hydration to the skin. Certainly are sensitive skins that suffer most from the effects of the cold. In addition to specific products for the appearance of dilated capillaries, are also effective cosmetic products with active principles decongestants and painkillers (aloe vera, rosehip, oats …).