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Breast fibroadenoma: Symptoms and Treatment

The breast fibroadenoma, although benign, is a fairly common disorder and generates a logical concern to detect it. What are the symptoms? What is the most effective treatment? These are some of the questions that we will try to respond to that, in our case, we can act in the best possible manner, without that concern generating us anxiety or fear.

breast fibroadenoma

Fibroadenoma is the benign tumor of breast more frequent among women under 30 years of age. Fibroadenomas are small nodules or small lumps formed by the glandular breast tissue and connective tissue. Most are detected to touch but can also be reduced in size so that it is necessary to locate a medical test (biopsy). The Fibroadenoma may be asymptomatic, that is to say, have no symptoms or obvious signs, except for the discomfort that we can produce the touch with our fingers. Should we be concerned? It is the first reaction to detect a lump, so we should see the doctor to resolve all doubts and confirm that indeed, this is a benign tumor.

Breast fibroadenoma: symptoms

The fibroadenoma appears as lump, hard consistency, sharp edges and moving to touch with fingers. At first, it is often difficult to detect, becoming more evident to the touch to increase in size. As we have pointed out this is a benign disorder that usually presents no obvious symptoms. In fact, there is usually presented with pain in the breast, except for some annoying light which may be more evident during the menstrual cycle. Therefore, the most obvious sign is to touch, feel the breast and the presence of an abnormal formation.

Fibroadenoma: Causes

Similarly, the chest discomfort may occur during the menstrual cycle, we must also emphasize the role that hormones play in the development of fibroadenomas. Although not yet known exactly its origin, medical theories point as a risk factor for a possible hypersensitivity to hormonal stimuli. Thus, the influence of the estrogens explains that can grow in size, for example, during pregnancy or in cases of hormone treatment.

Fibroadenomas: treatment

It tends to be harmless, that is, to not evolve malignant tumor (breast cancer), should be performed periodically controls. In most cases, it requires no further treatment to the prevention and control of size and shape. It is not ruled out that, with age, tend to disappear.

However, in some cases, other surgery treatment is recommended to remove fibroadenomas, above all when there are doubts about the nature of the nodule, when the lump increases in size quickly, when appears in women over 35 years or when there is a family history of cancer. This is a short surgery (outpatient) and is performed under local or general anesthesia.

Prevention, as with any health problem, is fundamental. In this case, as we have seen, is the best tool to prevent excessive concern. With a periodic controls-including the self-examination of the breasts – can detect any changes occurring in nodules that, in principle, are benign and do not entail greater risks for the health of women.