Dental Health

Gingivitis: Symptoms, Causes and Natural Remedies

The gingivitis is a problem in oral health and that despite its implications for our mouth, not always pay due attention. What are the symptoms or warning signs? what are the causes of its appearance? We will answer these questions and learn some natural remedies that will help to prevent its occurrence.

sign of gingivitis

The gums are the most sensitive part of the mouth and exposed to the action of bacteria. The gingivitis, in fact, it is a response of the gums in its presence, although in principle it does not hurt, it can seriously affect the health of the teeth and mouth, the power lead to periodontitis, a problem that may be irreversible and cause even the loss of teeth. Gingivitis, if left untreated, can ultimately affect the gums, tissue surrounding the teeth and bone.

The Gingivitis is an infection or inflammatory process that affects the mouth and gums, with the appearance in some cases of ulcers.

Oral infection can spread to the mucous membranes of the mouth, palate, tongue and inside the cheeks. Inflammation of the mouth and ulcers may correspond to an infection called stomatitis, and can be associated with gingivitis.

Gingivitis Causes

Gingivitis knows no age, i.e., may appear in adults and children, with the accumulation of tartar (plaque) the main cause of their appearance. Inadequate or improper oral hygiene leaves our mouth more exposed to attack by bacteria and accumulation of bacterial plaque on the gums.

Therefore, to avoid the appearance of gingivitis first recommendation is to follow the habits of daily oral hygiene (brushing, mouthwash, dental floss) and as well as going to the dentist for a deeper cleaning if plate has already acceded to the gums and teeth.

The snuff is an enemy of our mouth. If we want to maintain a healthy mouth and fresh, the best decision is to leave the snuff. The smoke not only weakens the gums, but increases the risk of developing gingivitis.

The deficiency of vitamin C – smokers, by the way, require a greater amount of this vitamin in their diet – also affects our gums.

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Gingivitis Symptoms

The bleeding gums during brushing are usually a sure sign of gingivitis, as well as inflammation. Another of the symptoms, mild in principle, is the redness of the gums, as well as the bad breath (halitosis).

Natural remedies of Gingivitis

As we have noted, the oral hygiene is essential to prevent the spread of bacteria. In the case of carrying orthodontics, we must be especially careful with hygiene, as there are more chances that bacteria proliferate and infect the softer parts of the mouth.

Similarly, avoid snuff, alcohol, and excess caffeine. Stake, in a matter of healthy habits, a diet rich in vegetables and fruits, natural allies of our oral health and our health in general.

For example, apples and carrots help, to chew, to strengthen the gums. Fruits rich in vitamin C- the citrus – are also good partners for oral health.

Among the natural remedies, tea tree oil, antiseptic that relieves pain and inflammation of gingivitis. Simply mixing a drop of oil with toothpaste. For its part, clove oil, applied with a cotton ball on the gums, helps reduce discomfort.

Aloe vera, among its many properties, can also be beneficial to fight gingivitis, applying a gel on the gums. The rinse water with natural apple cider vinegar (one tablespoon) or infused with lavender oil (you can add one tablespoon honey) are also effective in these cases.

Other herbs that can make a natural anti-gingivitis mouthwash are the marshmallow, the coral flower, the marigold or gold flower and lady’s mantle (avoid the latter in case of stomach problems).

The last remedy, eating a piece of apple after meals helps clean teeth naturally.