Dental Health

Oral Health: 10 things that damage our teeth

Some gestures and habits, as simple as everyday can damage our teeth. To win in oral health should take note of the 10 things that damage our teeth and if we avoid, we can extend the life of our teeth. Oral health care is the best way to avoid dental treatment in the future.

oral health

Take care of our mouth benefits throughout the body. A strong argument for paying due attention, because in the absence of pain we feel, sometimes erroneously, that all is well. But our mouth is exposed to many external agents that may pose a risk our health. Microorganisms that come into contact with our mouths through food, tobacco smoke, air pollution…

How to care for your mouth: things that damage your teeth

Do you know what the 10 things that damage your teeth are? Some gestures and daily habits can be as damaging as the direct action of the bacteria. We note to win in oral health.

Nail biting: A common gesture that hide behind the bacteria, biting nails, go directly to the teeth and can cause the development of cavities, and also damage the enamel.

Brush teeth with force: Not only should use the proper brush, but perform a gentle brushing, since doing so abruptly can damage the gums and tooth enamel.

Brushing right after eating: It is advisable to wait 15 minutes, especially if you have eaten sour foods. It is the time required for the acid to react, so you should wait to not drag on the enamel in the brushing. Another solution is to take a glass of milk without sugar before brushing to neutralize the acidity.

Eating sweets and sticky foods: Such as, pastries. These foods are the most harmful because it stick to the tooth surface and can stay there long.

The consumption of certain drugs: Medications such as antihypertensives, antiepileptic and immunosuppressive can cause gingival changes. Antidepressants and diuretics, in turn, reduce the production of saliva, may promote tooth decay.

Take foods that darken teeth: Consumption, almost daily, drinks like coffee, tea, soft drinks and sports drinks can damage the natural color of the tooth and cause staining. To this must be added the smoke snuff, in the case of smokers, and tartar buildup.

Abusing mouthwashes: As solution should not abuse its use, as some high alcohol and can dry the mouth. Others may contain chlorhexidine can stain teeth. The mouthwash should be used only when there are infection symptoms. For a better cleanliness, it is possible to resort to the antibacterial products that help to eliminate the tartar.

Do you use dental floss?: This is not a trivial question because, although it is appropriate to use it daily, do not always do. Flossing helps remove plaque that accumulates between the teeth.

Sedentary lifestyle: Lack of exercise also impairs oral health. According to various research studies to practice daily physical exercise helps control blood glucose levels, reducing the risk of mouth infections.

Chewing over 3 sugarless gum a day: This can irritate the gums. It is true that this chewing gum stimulates the production of saliva and helps clean the surface of the teeth, but should not be passed.