
6 Instantly Actionable Tips to Improve Your Fitness Today

There are numerous ways in which you can increase your fitness and improve your mental and physical health starting today.

improve fitness

Even though you might already be working out, going to the gym, running or cycling, and you are already familiar with a lot of exercises that can help you achieve your goals; the solution to improving your fitness might be even simpler than you thought.

Tips on Improving Your Fitness Level

Let’s have a look at some of the things you can implement in order to see drastic improvements in your fitness and ultimately your health.

fitness level

1. Exercise regularly

Frequency is a very important factor when it comes to staying fit and improving your physical fitness. As they say, consistency is key.

If you already have an exercise schedule that you follow then you’re already one step ahead, if not, you’ll need to start working out on a more regular basis if you want to see an improvement to your fitness.

Most people usually stick to a 3-5 workout sessions a week, so if you’re already working out twice a week, try to add at least a day to your workout regimen.

new activity

2. Introduce a variety of new activities

There’s nothing worse than losing motivation and getting bored from your regular exercise routine. In order to keep yourself motivated and engaged in your workouts try doing a variety of exercises or switching things up from time to time by trying new sports or activities you haven’t tried before.

3. Get familiar with high intensity interval training

Although some may see it as the latest fashion in fitness, the truth is that high intensity interval training has been scientifically proven to benefit both your health and your fitness.

The idea of HIIT or (high intensity interval training) is to work out in very intense short intervals, followed by even shorter active recovery periods, rather than following the same pace during your whole workout.

4. Incorporate daily exercise at your workplace

Our workplace is where we spend 8+ hours a day. Most of us spend that time at our desk, or on our feet which can affect our posture, health and mood.

Try to make it a habit to move around as much as you can while you’re at work. Fit in some stretching every hour to an hour and a half, or incorporate some light exercise while you’re sitting at your desk. One way to do that is by using an under desk mini elliptical trainer, that helps you fit in a workout while working, watching TV or relaxing on the couch.

Here are some of the top 10 benefits of an under desk mini elliptical trainer.

exercise routine

5. Introduce friends and family members to fitness

One way to make sure you stay motivated and inspired to stick to your workout regime is to introduce your friends and loved ones to your exercise routine so that you can either work out at the same time or track each other’s progress and keep yourselves motivated to go on.

6. Virtual gaming

This last tip is one of the most fun and enjoyable ways to stay active and workout while doing something interesting.

If you’re a gaming enthusiast, you can combine your passion for gaming with your daily workout routine and improve your fitness while enjoying a fun activity such as virtual tennis, aerobics, bowling, or some of your other favourite activities.

Online Personal Training

The 6 tips above will definitely help you improve your fitness levels. However, some people still find motivating themselves to be very hard.

If that’s the case with you, perhaps a personal trainer would be of benefits. There are a lot of positive reasons to get one, but they are expensive.

And that’s where technology can help you. Nowadays, you can get direct access to a personal trainer using Skype, training apps and even following YouTube videos.

One other way to do it is to find a local personal trainer that offers both online and in-person training, that way you can see them from time to time when you need to and then continue with sessions by yourself.

For example, if you live in London there are lots of training options available. You can find DIY body transformations, like this one and then get a cheap Pure Gym or Snap Fitness membership.

The Benefits of Improving Your Fitness

Now that you’ve gotten a few fresh ideas on improving your fitness starting today, let’s have a look at some of the benefits that you can expect from a regular workout regimen.

improving fitness

  • Working on your body means working on your mind as well. It releases stress, and helps you stay more focused and sharp
  • A regular workout regimen improves creativity
  • When you establish a regular exercise regimen you’re also establishing good daily habits
  • Working out helps prevent injuries by helping you maintain strong muscles and bones
  • By improving your fitness you improve many other aspects of your life, including your work, family or social life
  • Working out increases your energy levels and increases your productivity
  • Regular workout regimens can affect your health as well, and help you reduce your risk of chronic disease.

These are some of the numerous health benefits that are associated with regular exercise and improved fitness.

The truth is there are a ton of incredible benefits from regular exercise that can affect nearly every aspect of your life, and not just your physical and mental health.