
7 false myths about pregnancy

Popular culture is full of strange and funny legends that are nothing more than false myths of what can happen to you during pregnancy. None of them is scientifically proven…

false myths about pregnancy

There are some false myths about pregnancy that have been passed down from generation to generation. They are theories based on popular beliefs that have not been endorsed by science but have great acceptance among people.

These misconceptions prevent, in most cases, feeling a normal woman when you are pregnant. They fill you with fears and uncertainties that, as we explained, turn out to be false.

Here we will reveal some of those false myths about pregnancy that, even in the XXI century, continue to distress the mothers of today.

7 false myths you will hear about pregnancy

1. The shape of the belly defines the sex of the baby

This is one of the false myths about pregnancy more rooted in popular belief. It is the assertion of grandmothers, mothers and neighbors about the shape of the belly to guess the sex of the future baby.

The reality is that the shape adopted by the belly is given by muscle tone and uterus. It also influences the position that the baby takes inside the belly and the shape of the pelvic bones of the mother.

The only way to accurately know the sex of your future baby is through ultrasound.

2. Stomach burning is due to the baby being born with a lot of hair

The stomach acidity and poor digestion that some pregnant women suffer from is caused by the increase in the size of the uterus. This growth causes the stomach and intestines to move slightly out of place, with the consequent irregularity of the gastric juices.

The best way to avoid this discomfort is to avoid copious meals and fatty foods that hinder digestion. Another option is not to go to bed immediately after eating.

3. Unmet cravings leave marks on the baby in the form of what the mother wanted

Cravings are almost irresistible desires, especially for some food. There is no scientific basis to support the appearance of spots with particular shapes as desired by the mother.

Even if there are many children born with some small spots, these have nothing to do with the failure of maternal cravings. Most of them disappear after a short time.

4. You should eat for two during pregnancy

This idea has been discarded for decades but there are still many women who believe in it. The ingestion of food in an excessive way can affect the obesity of the pregnant woman.

The most advisable thing is to maintain a balanced diet. Distribute meals in 5 or 6 servings daily to prevent anxiety. The normal thing is to increase between 9 and 12 kilos, depending on the height of the pregnant woman.

5. Bathing can affect the baby, so showering is better

Another of the false myths about pregnancy is to think that during the bath water can enter the uterus and affect the fetus. Nothing is further from reality, because it is closed by a mucus plug that protects it.

The hot shower is especially recommended when the pregnant woman has varicose veins since the heat promotes vasodilation.

It is important not to exceed a temperature of 37° C and finish with some cold or fresh water to stimulate circulation.

6. The pregnant woman should not dye her hair

Although this belief does not have scientific support, it is important to verify the product you are going to use to dye your hair. It must be free of ammonia, lead acetate and other petroleum products.

Of the rest, there is no contraindication to dye the hair with natural ingredients that are less aggressive. Avoid commercial sale products during pregnancy.

7. You must consume foods that promote milk production

The production of breast milk is directly linked to the baby’s sucking exercise.

While there are other factors that can prevent milk from rising quickly, the intake of specific foods does not influence milk production in any way.

Knowing in detail the false myths during pregnancy will help you have fewer issues to worry about. Most of them are just funny legends that have taken root in our society.

It may be inevitable that women of the family and friends will approach you with their experiences. However, the best thing to do in case of any doubt that arises is to consult with your specialist.