
Diseases caused by diabetes

It is estimated that more than 13% of the adult population suffers from diabetes, a disorder that should not be underestimated because, in addition, can lead other associated disorders. This is one of the main reasons why diabetes should be diagnosed and treated. Although in some cases in its early stages may be asymptomatic, if we detect any sign that makes us suspect the possibility of diabetes, should not be underestimated.

caused by diabetes

It is convenient to seek medical advice and done something as simple as a blood test to measure glucose values. Poorly controlled or untreated diabetes can put at serious risk our health; continued excess glucose in the blood can affect various organs and tissues. But glucose, as added, is not solely responsible for related disorders since in many cases the diabetes is accompanied by overweight, problems with high blood pressure, high cholesterol and triglycerides.

What diseases can cause by diabetes?

Oral and eye problems

The diabetes can increase the risk of developing problems with teeth and gums, such as infections, gingivitis and periodontitis. The eye health can also be seriously affected by high blood glucose, high blood pressure and high cholesterol and high triglycerides levels, risk factors that may cause injury to the blood vessels and lead to eye disorders (diabetic retinopathy, cataracts) or reduce vision (glaucoma) and can cause blindness.

kidney and stomach problems

Diabetes can also affect the kidney, by damaging the cells and blood vessels, which will directly affect the ability of filtration. Moreover, it can also affect the digestive system, becoming more inclined to endure ardors of stomach, morning sickness, and feeling of swollen belly.

Heart problems

Diabetics can also have higher risk for heart problems (heart attacks, heart disease) and other disorders due to poor blood circulation (cerebral thrombosis, peripheral vascular disease, injuries in the foot or diabetic foot).