Dental Health

Halitosis: Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

Halitosis, besides annoying, can be uncomfortable. One problem with bad breath in our main symptom, but it can also be a sign of discomfort related to oral health. According to dentists, 9 out of 10 halitosis problems are related to oral cavity.

halitosis causes

Halitosis: Causes

The most frequent oral causes of halitosis or bad breath are:

Presence of bacteria: The accumulation of bacteria in the mouth and tongue favors the breakdown of food and the appearance of a substance called CVS (volatile sulfur compounds) responsible for bad breath.

Snuff: The smell of snuff among its adverse health effects, is that you can spend several days in the mouth.

Food: Certain foods like garlic, onions or cabbage can cause bad breath temporarily, as well as coffee, beverages with alcohol and very fatty foods, or with many species.

Medications: Some drugs reduce saliva production and increase the risk of halitosis, since saliva acts as a cleaner.

Diet: Spend many hours without eating or too restrictive diet – excessive protein diets that make us go into a state of ketosis – can cause bad breath.

Mouth diseases: The gingivitis, the gum inflammation, cavities or oral candidiasis can cause bad breath.

There are other causes that may also be behind the halitosis, such as disorders of the respiratory tract (throat irritation, sinusitis …), abnormal hormonal and metabolic (diabetes), problems of the digestive system and liver or kidney ailments. The Xerostomia or dry mouth is a common cause of halitosis, which can also cause pain and burning sensation on the tongue, difficulty in chewing or an exaggerated increase in thirst.

Halitosis: Treatments

Having identified the cause of halitosis, it will require appropriate treatment. But regardless of the cause, dental hygiene is essential to reduce the number of bacteria that accumulate in the mouth. The brushing should be done correctly (for at least two minutes) and after meals. The brush must be renewed every four months.

It is also advisable to use dental floss to remove food debris between teeth and clean the tongue with a tongue scraper. Be gargling with a mouthwash after brushing prevents plaque.

To remove bacteria also have a number of allies in the pantry. These are some foods that, for its texture and composition, eliminate bacteria. For example, the fruit – especially apples, watermelon, pear and kiwi – help clean the tooth and increase the production of saliva. The vegetables, such as celery and carrots, remove plaque. The aromatic herbs (mint, parsley, thyme, eucalyptus, basil), cool breath and neutralize the effect of foods such as garlic. And, of course, be drinking water, to avoid dry mouth and its risks.