Skin Disease

Herpes Zoster: Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

What does the doctor to talk about herpes zoster? It refers to ‘shingles’, a second infection of chickenpox virus that was dormant. It happens to a lowering of defenses and produces lesions that itch. These are the symptoms, causes and treatment.

herpes zoster

Herpes Zoster is a rash of the skin which is caused by an infection. The virus responsible is the varicella-zoster. One of its characteristics is that herpes zoster first-usually in childhood-it must have had chickenpox infection. When it has had chickenpox, lesions disappear, but the virus remains in a latent state, so that at any time can be reactivated in the form of herpes zoster. This occurs in most cases when there is a slope of the defenses. People with weakened immune systems are more vulnerable to this disease.

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Herpes Zoster: Symptoms

A greater sense of sensitivity and a slight pain in the area in which it appears are the first signs of herpes zoster. In some, there may be itching, burning sensation or tingling. A few days after the first symptoms begin to appear the first rash in the form of small red spots. These stains tend to huddle together and when it’s become vesicles risk of infection is very high.

Herpes Zoster, also annoying, is slow. It usually takes between 7-14 days to change color, more yellow-and-dried, forming a crust that will then fall. Sometimes it can leave a small mark or scar.

Herpes Zoster can also affect the eyes, which is known as herpes zoster ophthalmic. In these cases, it is important to consult your doctor as urgent as it can cause impaired vision to become permanent. Other related symptoms include fever, headache, digestive and intestinal discomfort and malaise.

Herpes zoster: Causes

If Herpes Zoster appears the first thing is to determine the cause and origin, to thereby apply the more suitable treatment. A physical examination will determine the characteristics of the lesions and location zones. In some cases, a blood test is also performed.

Herpes zoster: Treatment

The most common treatment is to administer oral antiviral drugs(acyclovir, valacyclovir, Brivudin) together with analgesics, anti-inflammatories, or antihistamines (in this case, to relieve itching). In some cases, your doctor may prescribe to use corticosteroid.

So the eruption dry faster is advisable to wash the area with soap and water and apply a topical lotion (chamomile, for example). To alleviate the malaise, it is best to apply cold compresses on the areas where you see herpes and attempting to keep resting.

It is important to treat as soon as possible the appearance of herpes, if possible from the first signs of the appearance of the rash. This helps speed up the process of recovery, which is important when the herpes affects people with other diseases, when the herpes affects the eye or when it appears on the face and neck.

Herpes zoster can be complications to health. The most serious is its evolution to postherpetic neuralgia, whose main symptom is chronic pain in the area in which the lesions appeared. With early diagnosis and appropriate treatment of herpes this result can be avoided.