Health Tips

Hydration: what are our needs?

Caring hydration is essential to the health and proper functioning of our body. But what factors influence proper hydration, how to know what quantities of liquids must take for our body to function as a clock?

proper hydration

The hydration does not only affect food and diet drinks, but also fluid needs vary depending on age, the type of physical activity we undertake, gender, health status, and even environmental factors (temperature, humidity).

Good hydration begins by drinking water or fluids not only when we are thirsty. Taking care of our hydration is as important as caring what we eat. In fact, it should be remembered, as specialists emphasize nutrition and hydration, that daily dietary allowances should come from both food and beverages.

All that food or drink (except alcohol) containing more than 80% of water can be said to have the ability to moisturize, to provide our body fluid. Some foods are considered more hydrating fruits and vegetables (fruits like oranges, melons, watermelons, grapefruits, grapes, pears or strawberries, and among the vegetables include pumpkin, cucumber, tomato or eggplant).

With the inclusion of these foods in the diet not only reinforce the basis of healthy eating, but we are also helping our body to be better hydrated. But, besides the water that give us food in the diet should include, as a rule, the intake of an average of one and half or two liter of water per day, especially among the young, pregnant women and elder people, which in addition to losing the sense of taste, with age, can also run the risk of losing the sensation of thirst.

A proper hydration includes ensuring the necessary amounts of fluids to the body as well as to balance the losses and intakes that take place throughout the day. Although sometimes we forget, as important as a healthy diet and varied food choices, also part of the healthy habits caring our hydration and physical exercise.

Dehydration: Hazards

Among others, dehydration can have effects on our body causing feelings of fatigue, confusion, sleep problems and an increased risk of tripping or falling. Also, an incorrect hydration can also be the cause of a urinary tract infection, the occurrence of kidney stones, headaches, dental problems, intestinal problems (constipation) or bronchopulmonary disorders.

Dehydration is not a minor symptom, quite the opposite. In case there is a severe lack of fluids in our body that can lead to a collapse, with the risk of death if nothing is done on time. Do not drink liquids for more than twelve hours can trigger a headache or migraine. Indeed, people suffering from headache problems, good hydration, can reduce its intensity and duration.