First AidMedicine

Medicines you should always have at home

What medicines should have at home? In every home, there is a space or drawer dedicated to saving medicines and basic contents of a first aid kit. The thermometer to measure temperature, antipyretic to reduce fever, disinfectants, bandages … are some of the most common things we find in the kit, as well as some medicines to relieve some minor ailments, such as a headache or digestive discomfort after eating. A first aid kit must be practical and contain the essential, not to become a container for storing medications.

medicines for first aid

Anti-inflammatory and antipyretic

As well as an antipyretic, medicines for reducing fever, the most common also have an anti-inflammatory drug, and a thermometer. It is also useful in the case of women, have an antispasmodic medicine for the menstruation pains.

Antihistamine and anti-diarrhea

It is recommended to have for certain sudden emergencies an anti-diarrheal in the medicine cabinet. In the case of people suffering from allergies logically should be prevented and have on hand an antihistamine. It is also useful cream to relieve insect bites and an antacid for stomach discomfort.

Medicines for first aid

Essential and indispensable when there are children at home, a good disinfectant, such as hydrogen peroxide; cotton, sterile gauze and bandages for minor emergencies such as injuries, contusions or bruises. Before a possible burn, it is better to have a special ointment for skin.


How to store medicines is crucial to remain in optimal conditions. It is important that there are in a space with a temperature between 15 and 22 degrees (except those stored in the refrigerator) and in a dry environment. Very importantly, always out of reach of children.