CancerSkin Disease

Melanoma: Symptoms, cure and therapy

Melanoma is a tumor of the skin, the largest organ of our body. How to detect it? what is the best therapy?


The prevention plays a key role in health and in particular, in the case of skin care, the body that, among other conditions, may be affected by melanoma, much more common than we think. The skin consists of the dermis and epidermis, where the melanocytes are, or cells that produce melanin. Abnormal growth or multiplication is responsible for the appearance of melanoma, a particular tumor can occur anywhere on the body.

Symptoms and Diagnosis

The first preventive rule is control the shape and size of moles or spots in the skin. Having a mole does not inevitably mean we will have a melanoma, but that does not mean we should lower our guard. If we suspect that some of the skin moles has changed its appearance should consult a specialist to check the possible presence of a melanoma. The symptoms most obvious of these types of cancer are related to changes in the color or size of moles, which tend to vary the look with the appearance of jagged edges, asymmetrical shapes and uneven tones.

Other symptoms to take into account are the presence of blood, superficial lesions or a thickness other than the pigmented area.

For an accurate diagnosis, the doctor will perform a biopsy, which is simply to collect a sample of the affected area and examine it under a microscope to check for cancer cells.

Care and treatment

Surgery therapy is more indicated for the treatment of the melanona and is completely eliminated, which can be complemented by radiation therapy or chemotherapy, depending on the stage of the tumor. To formulate the most appropriate treatment protocol, the doctor will examine the place where the melanoma is, its true gravity, the possible metastasis, growth rate and overall health of the patient.

The prognosis, or the probability that the disease can recur over time, depends primarily on the thickness of the tumor and the presence of ulceration or metastasis. However, statistics find that the battle against this type of tumor shows positive data. In western countries more than 80% of patients who have surgically removed a melanoma have high expectations of life. Detect as soon as possible greatly increases the chances of successful treatment.