Eye Diseases & Care

Presbyopia: A natural aid to delay its appearance

Presbyopia, is the progressive loss of the ability of the eye – the lens in particular – to focus and see correctly the closer objects. Presbyopia is directly related to age, i.e. the effect of the passage of the years. Is it possible to turning back its appearance? Yes, you can improve the symptoms of presbyopia following some simple tips, among which are the uses of herbal medicine, i.e. using the properties of some plants.


Presbyopia is not a disease in itself, but a logical consequence of the aging process. As we grow older, the ability to approach of our eyes is decreasing. And it is that the eyes, like the rest of our body, also suffer from over the years. Signs of presbyopia are usually translate into difficulty focusing on close objects. In other words, when we noticed that the letters and figures dance or we realize that more and more the book away to read, chances are we’ve presbyopia.

What can we do to delay its appearance? Among other tips, herbal medicine can be an interesting ally to improve the symptoms of presbyopia. Some plants help protect eye cells, improve circulation and reduce eye strain. Among these plants include bilberry, chamomile and horsetail.

The Chamomile, among its properties, it highlights for the anti-inflammatory effect, so it is advisable to use in the case of treatment of conjunctivitis or the occurrence of styes. Meanwhile, a horsetail has a hypotensive effect.

Another plant to consider is the eufrasia, which is widely used to clean the eyes because, among its effects, improves eye irritation and reduces eye strain. Nettle also a less known plant among its beneficial effects to improve circulation and reduce eye strain.

Presbyopia: The role of diet

Presbyopia usually comes on gradually from 40. Difficulty seeing close objects, eyestrain (dry eye, stare discomfort), headache, red eyes or increasing existing defects such as farsightedness and astigmatism, which worsen the distant view, are the most common symptoms of eyestrain. A disorder that we can delay with the diet, which also plays a fundamental role in the health of our eyes. In this case, a diet rich in vitamin A, a nutrient that is especially found in color plans, yellow or orange like carrots, a vegetable that between their nutrients is rich in beta carotene, vegetable pigments precursors for vitamin A and with antioxidant properties.

Green leafy vegetables (spinach, chard) also contribute to strengthen our view, plus give us iron, an essential mineral.

There is an alternative of the food supplements that help delay the problems of the eyestrain. Its main components are vitamin A, zinc, and flavonoids, by its antioxidant action. In case of incorporating dietary supplements, consult your doctor to find out which are best suited to your needs.