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Sensitivity to cold and heat: Symptoms

Do you prefer cool or hot environment? The answer to this question may be in greater or lesser sensitivity to temperature. Although there is no age to be more or less sensitive to temperature changes, it is certain that age is a factor and that, as we get older, we notice it more. Cold-sensitive people often have their hands and feet cold as usual. For its part, the people more sensitive to heat usually suffer from problems such as excessive sweating.

sensitivity to cold

The option has a lot to do with our greater or lesser sensitivity to cold and heat. As we have noted, not all endure the same, and smoothly as the temperature changes. Thus, some show us more sensitive to cold and too many others to high temperatures. And this sensitivity translates into physical consequences.

For example, cold-sensitive people often have the hands and feet cold. This is because the nervous system that controls our body’s response to changes in temperature, directs blood away from the extremities to keep warm vital organs such as the heart. It can occur at any age but the elderly should pay special attention as it may be a risk factor for so-called accidental hypothermia, when the body temperature drops to 35 degree Celsius. In these cases, symptoms may appear as a heart rate slower and irregular, disorientation and difficulties to speak.

Similarly it can be sensitive to heat. In these cases, the sensitivity is usually arrive accompanied by problems such as excessive sweating, an uncomfortable nuisance. This occurs because the nervous system makes minor skin blood vessels to dilate and allow the passage of more blood.

There are two problems with heat. The sunstroke (when body temperature exceeds forty degree), produced by sun exposure and with symptoms such as fainting, confusion, rapid pulse, nausea and skin redness. It may also appear sweating and weakness due to loss of water and salt in our body.

Tips to mitigate sensitivity to cold and heat

To avoid having hands and feet always cold, we recommend using garments made with materials that retain heat (wool, down, silk or synthetic). In winter, should cover ears and head to go out as much of the heat is lost through your head.

The diet also plays an important role, as well as being active, because the activity increases blood flow to the hands and feet. It is advisable; meanwhile, avoid snuff and caffeine because they can help to lower body temperature. And another tips, avoid stress, which prompts your body to produce adrenaline, decreasing blood flow to the extremities.

Moreover, if we suffer sensitivity to heat, it is advisable to wear light, wide, and light-colored clothing. In this case, the hydration plays an essential role. Of course, avoiding alcohol. The baths and fresh showers, applying cold compresses and air conditioning, can help to feel more comfortable.