
Supraspinatus tendinitis: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

The supraspinatus tendinitis is one of the main causes of shoulder pain, usually a result of poor posture or overuse and repetitive arm in high. Let’s see what are the symptoms and treatment more appropriate for this type of tendinitis.

supraspinatus tendinitis

Supraspinatus tendonitis: Symptoms

The pain progressive in the shoulder and the side of the arm, which worsens when moving, are two of the most common symptoms of supraspinatus tendinitis. Sometimes the pain is sharp after overload, trauma or forced gesture. Passive mobility-when someone else moves us that arm is less painful. If we keep it high, it will turn the pain again.

Supraspinatus tendinitis: Causes

Overuse repeating everyday gestures-clean, screw, poor posture, overexertion are the main causes of supraspinatus tendonitis. Not usually appear overnight, if so progressive, becoming more intense pain and discomfort when moving the arm and shoulder.

If we notice any of these symptoms should consult a doctor, especially to assess, with a physical examination, the extent of the injury. It may also be necessary to perform an x-ray to rule out other causes. The definitives tests such as MRI or ultrasound, discard the rupture of the supraspinatus tendon.

Supraspinatus tendinitis: Treatment

Treatment of this medical condition through the rest of the arm, avoiding all those situations or movements that force to have it in high place. It is advisable to apply cold to the affected area, wrap ice in a towel and apply on the area, and take some anti-inflammatory (ibuprofen). When pain persists, and initial treatment is not effective, it is advisable to assess whether it is advisable to perform rehabilitation exercises, especially exercises to strengthen the muscles, either a local infiltration with corticosteroids.

When the patient does not respond to any of the treatments mentioned, the doctor may advise performing a shoulder arthroscopy, in order to remove inflamed tissue. It is an operation that is usually performed under local anesthesia and requires hospitalization. Then the standing arm in a sling and when instructed by the doctor, you will start to gentle exercise to mobilize the shoulder. Several weeks later you can begin rehabilitation exercises.