Womens Health

White and thick discharge: what does it mean?

Concern and even embarrassment. The truth is rarely spoken of vaginal discharge, physiological secretions, more or less dense, which occur throughout the menstrual cycle. When we talk about thick and white discharge, what does it mean? We meet some of the most common questions.

vaginal discharge occurs

The vaginal discharge occurs mostly before the menstrual cycle, during ovulation period and if the woman is pregnant. Although in most cases, the white discharge is totally natural, nor should underestimate it, because if it remains on the display mode can be indicative of a vaginal infection, such as the so-called candidiasis, an infection that requires treatment.

What it is?
Although in most cases there is no reason to worry, yes good to know what exactly is the vaginal discharge occur and why changes. Flow, by definition, is just the mucus produced by the cervical canal with a specific purpose such as protecting the genital area of potential aggressors, such as bacteria and fungi. The more or less dense, gelatinous, white discharges often are accompanied by other symptoms, which you should pay attention, as discomfort, itching and odor.

Especially when they are little, thin, almost transparent, sticky, the white losses are attributable to physiological phenomena. The secretions are typical of the days before ovulation and the menstrual cycle, a sign of fertility. The white discharge can also be a symptom of pregnancy, occurring in the first months of pregnancy. Even when everything goes normally, early in pregnancy, increases the production flow and to protect the uterus, especially, the embryo of possible germs.

The presence of flow may also respond to an ETS or a infection caused by a fungus (Candida albicans). In these cases, the cause may be derived from a plant hormonal imbalance or other factors such as fatigue, poor personal hygiene or problems of tension and stress that weaken the immune system. In this case, antibiotic treatment is required.

In addition to flow thick white color, other genital symptoms such as itching, pain can also occur during intercourse and pain when urinating. In these cases, it is advisable to consult the doctor to diagnose the presence of a possible fungus and prescribe the most appropriate treatment.