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Natural Remedies to Lower Cholesterol: What to do?

Sometimes it is not enough to eliminate from the diet foods that make up cholesterol. You also have to prioritize those that increase the good. There are other details, in the form of natural remedies; it’s also help lower cholesterol.

natural remedies to lower cholesterol

The cholesterol is a substance present in the blood and various functions assigned to it. On the one hand, part of the cellular tissues, is a precursor of vitamin D … Almost half of the cholesterol is produced by the body, the rest comes from food intake. Total cholesterol is the sum of HDL or good cholesterol and LDL or bad cholesterol (excess hazard to health).

How to reduce cholesterol?
Monitor diet is fundamental. Thus, it is advisable to increase the intake of fruit, vegetables, oily fish, legumes, nuts (especially walnuts) and lean meats. In other words, go for the Mediterranean diet. In addition to diet, it is good to exercise (walk at least half an hour every day), as it helps to raise the good cholesterol. The stress is also a bad ally, since in these situations the body tends to produce more cholesterol to protect cells. Yoga, tai chi, meditation… are some of the options for managing stress. It is also advisable to get away from snuff, as it reduces the good cholesterol because free radicals causing smoke inhalation.

Natural Remedies
In addition to combine a healthy diet and exercise, there are other remedies or natural solutions also help control cholesterol:

8 nuts per day: Rich in polyunsaturated vegetable oils and alpha-linolenic acid, nuts help lower bad cholesterol. Take 8th nuts everyday helps to reduce by 11% the risk of coronary disease. Nuts also regulate blood sugar levels.

Linseed: Ideal for adding to salads or yogurts. Flax seeds (or oats, sesame) are rich in fiber, which removes excess fat from the arteries and promote increased good cholesterol.

Artichoke infusion: In addition to the antioxidant, reduces the activity of the fat cells. Add one tablespoon per cup of water, boil for a minute and take it on an empty stomach.

Infusion of red tea: An ally to regulate bad cholesterol, it is also low in protein. Add a teaspoon of red tea per cup and let stand a few minutes.

Infusion of milk thistle: Helps fight bad cholesterol and stimulates good. Cook for 15 minutes, a teaspoon of milk thistle for each cup of water.

Soy: Soy is an exceptional ally because it contains lecithin, fat favors the dissolution of bad cholesterol.

Oatmeal with yogurt or fruit: In flakes, mixed with fruits or yogurt, this cereal contains substances that help reduce bad cholesterol in the blood, and thus the risk of heart disease.

Apple Avocado: Avocado is rich in monounsaturated oils, which helps maintain cholestrol levels. It also takes an apple per day. Its content in pectin, a soluble fiber and polyphenols increases good cholesterol.

Peanuts: its content in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, as well as potassium, vitamin B6 and folic acid, unsalted peanuts lower cholesterol, and step improves the blood pressure.