
Esophageal Cancer: Symptoms, Prevention and Treatment

Esophageal cancer is a malignant tumor that is found in half of the cases, in the area closest to the stomach, i.e., in the lower third of the esophagus, and is usually diagnosed after 50. Unhealthy habits such as poor diet, smoking and drinking too hot fluids warm to harm the mucosa of the esophagus by heat, are some of the risk factors that may be behind this cancer. Smoking, for example, greatly increases the risk of two to four times the risk.

esophageal cancer

Esophageal cancer directly affects the mucosa and, as noted above, is located in half of the cases diagnosed in the lower third of the esophagus and in the communication with the stomach.

It remains, in the prevalence and location, the middle third and the upper third, in the area of connection with the pharynx. This is a type of tumor that usually manifests, at first, by the difficulty in swallowing food (dysphagia), although this difficulty when it is not to be confused with permanent swallowing problems.

As eating difficulties increase, and also reach liquid foods, there is also a weight loss, caused also by the lack of appetite, nausea and vomiting. Other symptoms that may appear are the bad breath or bad taste in the mouth. If any of these symptoms occur, consult a doctor to rule that it is a tumor and otherwise confirm the diagnosis to start as soon as possible, the most appropriate treatment.

Sometimes, when the tumor spreads, can also be accompanied by chest pain – when it affects the space between the lungs, affects hoarseness – when it affects the pharynx, hypo or coughing when swallowing the food.

What are risk factors behind this type of cancer? As explained by the specialist, age itself is, in this case, a risk factor. In fact, this is a type of tumor that is usually diagnosed from the 50, which in this case up to three times more prevalent among men compared to women.

The bad habits, as happens with most tumors, have much to do, for example, smoking – which can be multiplied by two to four risk, unbalanced diets – for example, the diet low in fruits and vegetables, excessive consumption of alcohol – when combined with smoking increases the risk of esophageal cancer by sever, hot drinks – increase the risk of injury to the esophageal mucosa, infection with Human Papillomavirus (HPV), and certain benign conditions – Barrett’s esophagus, achalasia, esophageal webs or Plummer-Vinson syndrome.

Avoid some of the risk factors in our power, such as care for the food; avoid the problems of obesity and poor mastication by dental problems. The gastroesophageal reflux, the rise of the acid from the stomach into the esophagus, which can be caused by a hiatal hernia, it is also desirable to avoid and, if it appears, try.


Depending on the phase or stage in which you are, and the extent of the affected organ, whenever possible removes the tumor or the affected part of the esophagus. Removal, in some cases, can be done with lasers. Depending on the diagnosis, radiotherapy or chemotherapy can be applied.

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