Food And Nutrition

7 false myths about eggs

The egg, mainly, crossed out to be bad for the cholesterol, attribution already removed, although we should not forget that it is an excellent source of vitamins, minerals and proteins and, therefore, should be present in our diet. Eggs, both the white and yolk, bring many benefits to the diet.

myths about eggs

The best way to eat healthy foods is known and, above all, banishing food myths. Let’s look more closely, what are the most common beliefs about the eggs and these are not always true.

It is difficult to digest

While it is true that some people say that they have difficulty digesting the eggs, largely depends on the method of cooking and seasonings or sauces that we add. It is heavier if prepared with oil and butter.

Increase cholesterol

To control cholesterol, you have to remove other fatty foods. It is true that eggs contain cholesterol, but it is also true that contain saturated or trans fats, so it should not be deleted from the diet restrictively.

Increase body weight

Are eggs fat? Some studies have explored the relationship between weight gain and eggs. Although, like all foods, it is taken with moderation (best in the breakfast) within a healthy diet.

Eat one egg a week

In general, when it comes to avoiding specific health problems, it is recommended to reduce egg consumption, although it is not a rule for everyone. Everything varies depending on nutritional needs and health status.

Increase muscle

Egg consumption due to its content of protein, can be a good ally to increase muscles. However, it is a little misconception, because what is really important for more toned muscles is exercise, the best ally of a healthy diet.

Hurt liver

It is not true that eggs are bad for the liver. The method of preparation is important not to overwork our bodies. If we fried, it is best to prepare in a pan with a little oil and avoid adding other fat or calorie sauces.

Contain bad fats

Eggs are rich in fats, but not in the so-called bad fats, but quite the opposite, since they have no saturated or trans fats. The egg, in fact, can also be included in the list of foods that are good for the cardiovascular system.