Men's Health

Candida in men: Symptoms and Treatment

The candida is also more common than we think the problem in men. That is, this fungal infection affects not only women, revealed symptoms like rashes, burning, swelling and pain during intercourse. It is important to consult a physician to apply the appropriate treatment. Underestimating the symptoms is not, in any case, the solution, especially considering that there are very effective medications and remedies to relieve and curb candida infection.

candida in men

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In the case of men, as well as rashes and swelling of the genital organs, when it affects the entire glans, it is called balanitis. If it extends to the foreskin is called balanoposthitis, around which may appear a few small lumps of yellowish color. Lumps and pimples on the penis can be a sign of other STDs so make sure you get a definitive diagnosis. During urination may be burning, like during intimate relationships. The candida may be present in the oral cavity, digestive tract and genitals, while the immune system exerts a control action.

Antifungal products

For the candida treatment, once confirmed the diagnosis of their presence, it is important to keep the affected area clean and dry. In addition, the antifungal products are very useful, in form of cream. The product should be applied in the red zone, at least twice a day. Generally, candida usually subsides very quickly once the treatment is applied. If the problem persists more than a week, should return to consult a doctor to rule out the presence of other infections that affect the genital area.

Natural Remedies

The natural remedies are a good ally to relieve symptoms, such as yogurt, because it contains the lactobacillus acidophilus bacteria, which helps control the development of candida. Apply plain yogurt on the penis it helps relieve itching. You can also use garlic crushed and mixed with a few drops of extra virgin coconut oil, to soothe the itching and redness. The tea tree oil has excellent antibacterial and antifungal properties.