Womens Health

Dysthymia: The problem of too demanding women

The dysthymia, a term that comes from Greek and that means altered mood, is defined in psychological terms as a mild form of depression.

A mood disorder that not only women who are more vulnerable, but the lack of diagnosis to underestimate the symptoms can leads to extended over time and to derive finally in a depressive picture.

Dysthymia, as the experts underline, is mainly characterized by a prolonged state of sadness and melancholy and, moreover, is on the way to becoming one of the most common disorders of our time.

suffering from dysthymia

We all have mood swings to a greater or lesser extent, affect us. In other words, we all have better days and worse days, but our mind is a mechanism that may be out of adjustment when, for example, we face a high level of exigency and perfection when performing any daily task.

In the case of women, assuming various roles, especially by difficulties in reconciling work and family life – can multiply the workload, responsibilities and, occasionally, of demand.

This, though we did not pay due attention, may end up spending invoice to our physical and emotional health. There are people who are more vulnerable to suffering from dysthymia, as the hypersensitive, pessimistic and, especially, the perfectionist, whose high level of requirement disables your ability to enjoy the things.

Dysthymia, unlike depression, does not affect the skills or the ability to work, but it prevents the one who endures to enjoy the achievements and make the most of their potential, as the continuous state of melancholy, apathy or dissatisfaction steals energy from us.

It is considered that a person suffers from a dysthymic disorder when the symptoms persist for several years.

Dysthymia Symptom

The state of sadness and melancholy adds the inability to feel satisfied and enjoy the things that give meaning to our lives.

Dysthymia can affect self-esteem and block the taking of decisions, tending to the pessimism. The dysthymic person can also see reduced their capacity of concentration or of memory. Other common symptoms are fatigue, even after sleeping, mood swings and irritability and changes in metabolism.

Remedies for combat fatigue

And at this point, it should be noted that emotions are directly related to our appetite and can occur in these cases two situations: lack of appetite or episodes of compulsive hunger or nervous.

If you suffer from prolonged any of these symptoms, as we have pointed out, it should not underestimated, being important to consult with the doctor to have an accurate diagnosis.