Natural remedies for sore throat: Solutions to combat it
What to do to combat annoying sore throat? From a mild irritation to a more acute infection, natural remedies are useful solutions to relieve the symptoms.
Resorting to natural and home remedies can be very helpful in relieving, for example, sore throats. Although we may think that the cold months are those that make us more vulnerable to suffer pain or inflammation of the throat, do not underestimate the chances for the rest of the year. For example, in summer, drinking cold drinks or changes of temperature (air conditioning abuse) can also cause irritation or sore throat. To placate it, and in many cases to prevent it, here’s a list of the most useful natural remedies.
Homemade and natural solutions
Granada: Besides being a natural rejuvenator, the Granada is a digestive fruit acts as a natural anti-inflammatory fabulous, very useful in case of sore throat. Take it in juice on an empty stomach.
Pulmonaria: A natural remedy if you have a sore throat is to mix pulmonaria with greater plantain, poppy and elderberry and take it in infusion.
Aloe vera: Gargle with aloe vera juice, sold in drugstores and health food stores, produces immediate relief from sore throat. Be sure to buy a preparation suitable for internal use and read the recommendations for use, since some must be previously diluted in a little water.
Eucalyptus: Triple action, expectorant, antiseptic and balsamic, eucalyptus is one of the most active herbal remedies for the treatment of throat infections. Boil eucalyptus leaves in a cupful of water for a minute, let stand for 10, filter and sweeten to taste. It can take one to three cups per day.
Salvia: For sore throat, nothing better than gargling with the infusion of this plant, dual anti-inflammatory and disinfectant action.
Irish Moss: A seaweed, mixed with thyme, oregano, and taken in infusion softens the walls of the throat and calm with effectiveness the dry cough.
Oak bark: Oak bark is highly valued in herbal medicine due to its high stringency. Infusion, mixed with thyme, liverwort and plantain – one tablespoon in per cup of water, relieves irritated or inflamed throat. Use this remedy very effective in case of tonsillitis, as a gargle and swallow no preparation.
Elderberry: With plantain and oregano, elderberry herbal tea tones the mucosa of the nose and throat, increasing resistance (pharyngitis, laryngitis …) respiratory infections.
Iceland moss: Anti-inflammatory, expectorant and an analgesic, Iceland moss relieves symptoms of pharyngitis. Boil 10 grams of the dried plant in 1 liter of water for 5 minutes. Throw the liquid and again boil the plant in the same amount of water for 30 minutes. Drink a couple of cups per day.