
Tendinitis: Tips for good recovery

Overloading is the most common reason of occurrence of tendinitis. Follow a few tips for a good recovery help it more quickly and effectively, since otherwise the problem can become chronic. The pain that accompanies tendinitis not only annoying, but you can also make grafting difficult the daily activities and even exercise. Let’s look more closely at some basic tips that will help us hold off tendonitis.


The tendinitis is an inflammation of the tendons that affects the joints. The tendon is an extension of the sheaths of connective fibers that surround muscle bundles and complete muscle and serve to hold them when inserted in the bones. The tendon is fibrous, rigid, high tensile strength, but can also suffer, for example, by excessive use or overuse or lack of warming up before exercising. In addition to the overload, adaptation repeated poor posture or repetitive motion can also cause the onset of tendonitis.

Tendinitis: Types

Tendinitis can be of various types, depending on the affected area. Hands are the most likely to suffer from this ailment, but the tendinitis may also appear on the shoulders, especially after a certain age, around 40, and consequently also of a further weakening of the tissues and muscles, elbow, wrist or heel (produces a characteristic pain when walking and trying to stand on tiptoe).


The rest is essential for proper recovery, and above all, to prevent possible relapses. When not heal well, the affected area will be much more vulnerable to suffer even making less effort. Rest for about three weeks, shaking the area more or less depending on the pain. Applying heat and cold helps soothe the discomfort, not only when it appears tendinitis but also as a preventive measure. In this case, heat should be applied before any type of activity or exercise and at the end, cold, to prevent inflammation of the tendons.

Once the discomfort has begun to subside, should start doing strengthening exercises. It aims to restore lost mobility to the joint.

Sometimes, if the injury affects the shoulder or the elbow, should wear a sling for a quick and lasting recovery. There is also the option of using ankle, or wrist when tendinitis appears on the hands or wrists (especially as a result of poor posture or sitting too long using the computer, for example).

Tendinitis: Treatment with drugs

Anti-inflammatory and pain are the two most recommended drugs to relieve the symptoms of tendinitis, mainly characterized by pain and inflammation. Logically, it should be the doctor who prescribed the drug type and length of treatment. It is advisable to take them as soon as possible, on all anti-inflammatories, which have more side effects.