Health Disorder

6 Reasons to Rejoice an Introverted Teen

Most people equate being introverted with shyness. Some parents may even hope that their teens who are reserved would work harder on being an extrovert by socializing with their friends more. But while introversion and shyness may seem similar, the two are actually oceans apart. Many teens who are introverted don’t feel that they’re missing out or lacking in social skills. For the most part, introverted teens are also happiest when doing their own thing. The following are 6 reasons to rejoice an introverted teen.

introverted teen

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Solo Entertainer

Anxiety, loss of appetite, irritability and lost interest are a few symptoms of depression that can affect both teens and adults. Parents may misdiagnose an introverted teen as being depressed or out of sorts because they are not outgoing.

They may also think there is something serious going on with their child because they value only a few close friends and choose solo activities such as reading. Parents typically worry more about their introverted children than the actual child. Instead of consuming yourself with ways to make your teen more social, be happy that they are doing the things they love. Relish the time that you would have to spend driving them around to social activities by sharing similar interests as your teen. Read the same book and share your views on what you liked or disliked about the story.

Enjoys Small Groups or Gatherings

Teens are quite impressionable, and they may chase the popular groups in order to fit in. Unfortunately, the need to belong with the trendy kids can make them do things outside the norm such as drugs, sex and eating disorders. According to Paradigm San Francisco, wellness activities such as teen anorexia treatment addresses underlying issues. Certain programs also help teens learn healthier habits that they can incorporate into their everyday life. If your teen is introverted, they may be content by hanging out with a smaller group of friends. Close-knit friends may also have more things in common with your child.

Less Susceptible to Pressure from Peers

Having introverted tendencies doesn’t make you socially inept. People who are introverted are happiest when doing things solo or in smaller group settings. When teens are extroverted, they may be more prone to give in to peer pressure whether it’s sex at an early age or experimenting with alcohol and drugs. If your teen doesn’t require a lot of socialization and is home more than they are out, you can feel content that you know where they are and what they’re up to.

Make Unique Decisions

Whether it’s because they are boisterous or they feel the need to be the life of the party, society has always favored those with extroverted tendencies. If you’re an introvert, you may be viewed as needing assistance in getting over your awkwardness. But with the rising buzz in this unique quality, introverts have a lot of reasons to sing their praises. Although your teen may seem quiet, they are far from clueless. As a matter of fact, introverts are more focused on their inner thoughts. They are also observant and have a host of creative ideas. If you’re worried that your introverted teen lacks decision making skills, just know that they are better able to assess and analyze a situation to ensure the best outcome.

Self-Charge Batteries

Life can get quite hectic and stressful for teens as they mature into adulthood. If your teen is an extrovert, they may need the energy of a large group of friends to recharge their inner batteries. But that can be exhausting at times, especially if you have to continuously put yourself out there. Fortunately for introverts, you’ll find their self-recharging mechanisms easily powered through their solitary functions. This is especially critical in the social networking age where it’s important to get to know and love yourself before anyone else.

Something Important to Voice

While you may think that introverted teens are shy, their confidence and self-assuredness give them a voice where they can stand up for themselves. Introverts are unique and free thinkers. Although some may not agree with their viewpoints, an introvert won’t care how they are perceived. Once the chatter and noise from the extrovert has died down, your teen introvert will choose their words and thoughts carefully by sharing what they deem as best. This makes them sound more intelligible than those who need to be heard no matter what they say or do.

Introverts take up over a third of the population. While it’s not a widely advertised successful trait to have when you’re a teen, you shouldn’t force your child to put forth an extroverted front when at school or hanging with friends. The above six reasons showcase the perks of being an introvert and why quality should be valued over quantity when choosing your words.