Medical Tests

Why are annual gynecological exams important for your health?

The annual exam is an incredibly important aspect of responsible preventive health care. Still, many women can bring up feelings of anxiety on the thought of attending an annual gynecological exam, which may lead to avoidance. Some of them choose not to visit their gynecologist for many reasons or because they are worried that something is wrong. Still, in reality, annual exams such as PAP, pelvic, breast exam, urinalysis and similar, are crucial for all women. Aastra fort lauderdale womens center changes the way women approach their reproductive health in Florida.

annual gynecological exams

Table of Contents

Pelvic exam

During this kind of exam, a doctor is evaluating your reproductive organs. You can have it as a part of your regular check-up, or it might be recommended if you have some symptoms such as pelvic pain or unusual vaginal discharge.

Your doctor will check your vulva, uterus, cervix, fallopian tubes, ovaries, and bladder for any abnormalities. It’s possible to feel a little uncomfortable, but you should not be feeling pain during a pelvic exam. It usually lasts a few minutes, and it’s also commonly performed even during pregnancy.

A pelvic exam is essential for estimating your gynecological health and diagnosing a medical condition. It helps in finding sexually transmitted infections, ovarian cysts, and uterine fibroids. Make sure to determine the recommended frequency of pelvic exams with your doctor. Besides, a Pap smear is often performed during the pelvic exam.

PAP Smear

The Pap Smear is proven to be the best way to find changes in the cervix early and to detect cancer at its earliest stages when there are the highest chances of successful treatment. It is the primary reason why cervical cancer deaths have dropped more than 50% in the US over the last four decades.

Besides, it can spot cells that can turn into cancerous over time and may help stop the disease before it ever gets a chance to develop. Although it can seem like an uncomfortable thing, it is vital for keeping women of all ages healthy. You can determine with your doctor how often you should have this test.

Breast exam

A breast exam is a vital part of early detection. Breast-self exams discover many lumps, but an experienced professional can notice a suspicious place that may not be registered as a warning by the patient. The clinical breast exam will be performed by a professional trained to recognize different types of abnormalities and warning signs. Your physician or gynecologist can complete this kind of exam at the annual exam, but the breast-self exam is something that every woman should do monthly at home.

The doctor will check your entire breasts, underarms, and collarbone for any lumps or abnormalities. Some women appear to have breast tissue that is full of tiny bumps throughout the breast tissue, also known as fibrocystic breasts.

Also, the doctor will check the lymph nodes near your breasts to see if they are enlarged, and if a lump is discovered, your doctor will note its shape, size, texture, and he will check if the lump moves easily. Cancerous lumps often feel different from benign ones, but any lump that is found will need to be examined with further diagnostics.


Urinalysis can be routine during your regular check-ups, typically to test for traces of blood, sugar, or protein. A urinalysis helps to identify and manage a wide range of disorders, such as urinary tract infections, diabetes, and kidney disease. It also involves checking the appearance, content, and concentration of urine. Abnormal results might point to a disease or illness. Doctors can recommend a urinalysis as part of an annual medical exam, pregnancy check-up, or pre-surgery preparation, to screen for a variety of disorders.

Birth control prescription

Around 50% of pregnancies in the US appear to be unplanned, even though the first birth control pill was launched 60 years ago. There are a couple of options to regulate hormones in females to prevent pregnancy. Most women are familiar with pills, but there are some other options, such as skin patch, injection, and vaginal ring.